Calling Boo Boo Foo.....

Hey Boo

(gosh, I’ve always wanted to say that, and at last I have the opportunity!! It’s a Mockingbird reference btw)

Did you manage to score the red Mustang at the end of the auction?

Talkin’ about this thread, kambuckta?

I just knew you’d pop in to help me out Icey!! Ta very much…I couldn’t remember the title of the original thread…which is awfully typical of me. Seriously, thanks!

Oh, and by the way, it’s only a couple of hours (your time) until The Big One for you iddn’t it?

Ha ha ha ha.

I’ll getcha over at the other board. No going to bed until then, ya hear me?
Leos UNITE…and if youse have some issue with that, we’ll bite yer’ bloody heads off.
