Calling Bullshit on Rob Zombie

So people can’t change, then?

I don’t think that being a fan of the horror and gore genre equates to being sadistic or to cheering for evil. From what I’ve read, Zombie was a fan of the terror films of the 70’s (stuff like Texas Chainsaw, Last House on the Left, The Hills Have Eyes, etc.) because they were really sacry. They broke conventions and formulas about who would live and die. They weren’t predictable and they never let you feel safe. Zombie’s lament about modern horror movies is that they aren’t scary anymore. They’re either cliched and formulaic or they’re cushioned by self-aware humor which doesn’t permit the audience to feel any real sense of terror. Freddy Kruger isn’t really scary. Chucky isn’t scary at all. Ghosts and monsters aren’t scary because they’re not realistic or believable. A “dirty freak with a gun,” as Zombie puts it, is much more scary because it’s believable.


Pretty much ALL story-based entertainment relies on conflict. Something has to provide that conflict. Just as reading murder mysteries doesn’t necessarily glorify murder, watching horror movies isn’t necessarily glorifying the violence that causes the horror.

Yeah, I think what Zombie misses and was trying to recreate is that exhilaration of really having the shit scared out of you by a horror movie instead of just laughing at it.

After watching House of 1000 Corpses, my friends and I spent like 3 hours trying to find the deeper meaning. Yeah that was…pointless.

Frickin’ Honors classes ruined our simple enjoyment of stuipd movies.

…slinks away…

Yeah, when he was promoting ‘House of 1000 Corpses’ he mentioned that the stuff we call horror today, like ‘Scream’, is just like an episode of ‘90210’ where somebody gets stabbed. Worthless.

No, we all agree that what is being depicted is bad (crazy clowns who kill people aren’t usually the pa and ma of cinema). What you can’t possibly know without watching the film is if the acts depicted are glorified for your “geek pleasure”.


Calling bullshit on Rob Zombie is kind of like taking GWAR seriously.

Hear, hear. Modern horror movies suck donkey dick because there’s no longer that genuine fear that transfers over from the characters in the movie to the people in the audience.

I wonder what Zombie would say about all the lame-ass Japanese horror re-makes insidiously being foisted on America’s moviegoers (which I so frequently lament.)

Welcome to the SDMB, where every single thing has at least one other person that knows about it. In fact, you’ll probably find quite a few who do.

In fact, you might even meet people who know how to spell “Jourgenson.” :wink:

I had pretty much the same experience; not a movie I’d watch again. Though I gotta say, the DVD features were interesting. If you ever rent House of 1,000 Corpses, when you start the DVD, the main menu is “hosted” by Capt. Spaulding; instead of picking a feature, just wait a while and watch Capt. Spaulding get more and more annoyed at your failure to make a selection.

Couple of things. Euty really has no real reason to pit Mr. Zombie for this. he has not seen the film. I am a fan of Rob Zombie’s work, from White Zombie on through. I find his portrayals camp and entertaining.

The other thing is this. Why should the good guys win anyway? Life is not always like that.

I haven’t seen any of Zombie’s movies, but in reading this thread I wonder if he’s any less entitled to be cut slack over alleged artistic reasons for creating gore than George Romero and his zombie films.
Or maybe they’re both exploiters of violence and sleaze which their fans enjoy, but feel just uncomfortable enough with to create artistic justifications.

Dunno, but it’s time to fire up the chainsaw and take out some of the deadwood around here.

Literally, you twits. :smiley:

Interesting. I spend 3 hours trying to figure out how to get the previous 2 back.

I keep meaning to make a House of 1000 Corpses drinking game. That’d be awesome.

The only time I ever saw 1000 Corpses was on Halloween a couple of years ago. By the time we finished that movie late, late that night I had consumed close to two cases of beer. Suffice to say, I don’t remember much except shrieking “Dactah Sataaaaan!!” at their dog until he bit me in the nose. I assumed the dog just wasn’t a Zombie fan and fell asleep in the fireplace.

That movie and alcohol don’t mix so well.

On the nose, rather.

Hehe. That’s precisely what should happen when one is drinking to a Rob Zombie movie…

I agree.

I’m not gonna see the film, though. I saw the first 15 minutes of 1000 Corpses. And I’ve seen the trailers for the new flick. Not really my cup of tea.

This does sound like bullshit though, doesn’t it??? I don’t mind anyone making a gorefest movie. Knock yourself out. But let’s pretend we have higher motives beyond making a gorefest movie. Nobody needs a gory movie to tell them that violence is ugly and nasty. I, like Euty, would rather Zombie not try the weasel approach.