Can non-Facebook members link to my photo albums?

Is it possible to create a link on another website that will allow people who are not Facebook members access to the photo albums on my Facebook page? When I do this now, people (non-Facebook people) get a screen that says, “This content is currently unavailable”, ect.

You have to set the privacy setting on the album to Public.

When I look at the album on my timeline I see options in the upper right corner to Highlight and Edit/Remove. When I click on the album name and it opens I see options to Tag, Add Photos, Edit, Share Album, Delete Album and Add a description. Where is the Public setting for photo albums hidden?

Look at the bit of text telling you the last time the album was modified. There should be a little graphic with an arrow that looks like maybe two people. That means it’s shared among some variant of your friends. Click on the arrow and select public and the icon changes to the world. Any albums with the globe marker are public.

Thank you. But the album has (and has always had) the globe icon and the word Public appears when I hover over it. But when I:

  1. Copy and paste the FB link for the album page from the address bar of the browser (Firefox), into a post on another web page,

  2. Log out of my Facebook account,

  3. Click on the link that I just posted on the webpage, I too get the, “This content is currently unavailable…” message.

Hm. Instead of copying and pasting the link from the browser window, go the album, and in the top right corner there should be a little gear icon. Click it, and in the drop-down menu you’ll get “Share Album.” Click that and it should give you the direct URL so you can share it with your friends.

Hopefully that should work. I would have thought the browser URL would work, though. But maybe this is worth a try.

Ahh, that’s the ticket! The link generated by the “Share Album” option is different than the browser URL and it works.

Thank you.