can someone give me a short summary on Congressman Weiner and his Weiner?

I’m late to the party, and see threads and news articles about Congressman Weiner all over, but don’t know what’s going on and am a bit crammed for time due to work, so can’t track it all down.

He tweeted his weiner or something?

Could someone give me a short summary to bring me up to speed?

Egotistical, “dirty sex” addicted, Congressman Anthony Weiner spent 3 (acknowledged) years exchanging explicit texts, phone calls and photos of his bare chest, erect penis clad in underwear, and full-on bare penis, with (as many as 6, maybe more) women (some young enough to be his daughters) via email, Facebook and Twitter.

On Friday, May 27th, while attempting to send one of those photos via private message to one of the women he’d been “Following” on Twitter (a 21 year-old college student in Seattle), he accidentally posted it live on his Twitter feed. As soon as he realized the mistake, he immediately took it down.

However, there was a group of conservative bloggers who had apparently gotten wind of Congressman Weiner’s propensity of following young girls, and spent months contacting those girls to “warn” them about him. One of those bloggers, patriotusa76, was on Weiner’s Twitter page at the precise moment the underwear-clad erect penis shot was uploaded. So even though it was removed right away, the image was now in said blogger’s cache on his computer. He retrieved said image and forwarded it to Andrew Breitbart.

Congressman Weiner’s immediate response was that he’d been hacked. He spent the next 10 days lying about it, and saying absurd things like he “couldn’t say with certitude that that wasn’t his penis”. Eventually, one of the women he’d exchanged sexually charged emails and photos with – a former porn star, as it turns out – released her copies of them to Breitbart, who started posting them on his website.

Cornered now, since at least 2 of them showed his face, he called a press conference on Monday and finally “took full responsibility”, acknowledging that all of those pictures were of him and that he was the one who sent them. Nancy Pelosi immediately called for an Ethics investigation and he’s now being either shunned or asked to step down by a handful of Democrats. Except for the RNC Chair and the hypocrite Eric Cantor, Congressional Republicans have pretty much kept their mouths shut and are letting Weiner hang himself.

Hope that helps.

thank you! very helpful. and disgusting. (not your summary, of course)

You’re welcome. And if you think the description of photos and events is disgusting, try reading the chat logs and looking at the photos. Or don’t, if you want to keep your lunch down. But just in case, since you’re pressed for time. . .

One woman’s FB chat log (2 click rule abided by)

Just 2 clicks away from the photo that started this, ahem, ball rolling

You simply MUST watch Daily Show video at this link. Hi-freakin’-larious!

Weiner was elected to Congress. Penis ensued.


Are we going for the shortest version now?

Libido + Twitter = Penis Broadcast

Woah, that was an awesome summary. I read several news stories but never knew the twitter user who turned him in. Nor did I know it was that widespread.

Northern Piper, I would add to all that that what makes the story even funnier is that he’s only been married for a yearish and the guy who officiated their wedding was Bill Clinton. I mean, really?

Also, his wife is an aide to Hillary. And she’s said many times she’s staying with him, so I assume only women who want to be humiliated and embarrassed on the national stage go to work for Hil.

Shayna, question: what did Eric Cantor do to make him a hypocrite? Did he cheat on his wife in the past?

AKA Weinergate.

so what’s the problem? Is sharing pictures of your penis a crime?

As usual the Family Circus has already covered this

We actually don’t know at this time how many people he exchanged pictures and phone calls with, so while it is certainly possible he communicated with, say, thousands, he has only acknowledged six at this time. Not that we should assume Weiner is telling the truth about the extent of his behavior, of course, giving his willingness to lie to the public. But I don’t think it is accurate to use to the term “widespread” at this time either. And while there have been implications of inappropriate behavior from Weiner with underage girls, I don’t believe any evidence has been presented to support them, and in fact an investigation into Weiner’s communications with a girl in Delaware has just been closed without any findings of bad/illegal behavior.

Hope this helps.

Not to speak for Shayna, but I assume it was Cantor’s statements regarding David Vitter, who was caught in a scandal involving prostitution, versus the ones he made regarding Weiner. According to Cantor, Vitter (R) should be allowed to have to voters decide his fate, but Weiner (D) should resign.

And a day or so after Weiner’s blubbering press conference, it came out that his wife is 3 months pregnant.

Oh. I was hoping it was something jucier than “the rules we play by aren’t the rules you should play by”. Both sides do that. Ah, well.

My favorite remains Larry Craig.

Oh yeah, we all forget that sordid detail. That’s pretty awful on top of the whole Clinton officiates/Hillary’s aide angle.

Thanks. :o

Oh no, that’s not even the funniest part. The funniest part was Jon Stewart’s reaction to Weiner calling Clinton to apologize to him. Stewart: “For what? Copyright infringement?” Bwaahahaha Watch the whole segment here.

Jenoraph actually got it right. Though not just Vitter but also Ensign. Those guys (who actually committed crimes), should be able to stay in office if the voters in their districts decide they want them to stay in office, but Weiner, who so far hasn’t been found to have done anything criminal, should resign. The very definition of hypocrisy.

There is also an “insider” claim (unsubstantiated) that before the truth came out, Weiner privately reassured his bosses in Congress that there was no scandal, that it was a hack, etc.

If true, this may explain some of the current hostility.

I believe that would be the very definition of a double standard, not hypocrisy.

Best wishes,