Can you still put your pants on standing up?

I can, but I don’t trust myself and sit whenever I can. Not only is it safer, it’s way easier, so why wouldn’t I?

I have just tested and can report that I can put all my clothes on standing up, socks and shoes included. I could even tie my shoelaces without sitting down.
I don’t know for how long.

Yes I can. One leg first and then the other. And then sitting down to pull socks on.

You’re only the chosen one if you can put your pants and socks on while standing on your head. For me that’s right out.

I can, and it’s one of those things my gf thinks is important to keep being able to do. Balance, flexibility, etc.

Then again, she has a pair of expensive jeans that she looks great in, but she has to lie down and work hard to get them on, like a surgeon donning gloves.

At least you can hop…


For me yes. But depending on the pants, I might have to lean against the wall. Sometimes they just get stuck and I find myself hopping around tugging on the jeans and trying not to fall.

I picked that up from that thread and I do that every day now for the two minutes my e-brush runs. I started off doing 30 seconds, switch foot, 30 seconds, switch foot, etc. Then one minute, switch foot, one minute. Now I do left one time for the entire 2 minutes, right the next brushing. And that’s improved enough I’m starting to move my leg around. What a great way to use those two boring minutes for something beneficial beyond the teeth cleaning.

And yes, I put on my pants standing up. I don’t get the socks while standing unless people are then putting their feet into slip-on shoes. Maybe they tie their shoes standing as well?

Next time, use a stopwatch and you’ll know!

I can, along with socks and underwear. I also remove pants, underwear and socks all together while standing, although it’s getting harder not to hop around when the socks are very tight. Age 70.

I can tie my shoes while standing, but I usually squat with one knee on the floor, then switch for the other shoe.

Yeah. Brushing is boring duty. It sort of gives me something to do (don’t fall on your ass, or you will really look like a fool).

Dr: “So what happened?”
enipla : “ehhh… Have you ever heard of the Straight Dope?”

I can and do, but I do so standing close enough to my bed so that if I lose my balance I’ll fall onto it rather than the floor. The times I occasionally lose balance, or nearly so, is sometimes the pant leg gets a small twist and I have to add a little oomph to push my foot through it while balancing on the remaining leg. The “oomph” can sometimes get me reeling.

My wife laughs at me when she sees me doing it. Some day she’ll see how wise we are and pick up the practice :wink:

I did it successfully this morning because of this thread.

Normally, I put my pants on while sitting on the edge of the bed.

I solved the socks problem- I don’t remember the last time I put on a pair of socks. Don’t need them with Tevas or slippers.

Next up. Put your pants on while brushing your teeth.

Probably best attempted if you’re using an electric toothbrush; otherwise the arm movements of a traditional brush will throw off your balance.

Don’t try THAT until you’ve mastered the electric toothbrush version.

I can, but for the past six months or so, I’ve had trouble with a nerve that occasionally causes sudden and utter hip or knee failure in my right leg. After the first time I fell while putting on pants, I now sit to get my legs into them every time. I save the standing on one leg exercises for times when my hands are free to catch myself. Balance exercises are important, but they’re safer if there’s no cloth tangled around your ankles.

Yes, but it’s starting to be quite difficult. I have trouble getting my right foot up high enough, and my arms aren’t long enough to compensate. I think there may be some issue with my right hip. On the positive side, I can still touch the floor in front of my toes without knee bending, however, for palm touch I need my feet about 2 feet apart. Sadly, this feat of flexibility does no good in getting my pants on. Sigh.

Yes so far. I also put on socks and shoes standing up, usually right at the door as I’m leaving the house.

As far as why it’s harder to put the pants on sitting down: I can’t lift my legs up as high, from a seated position. So I have to basically throw the pants down onto the floor, and lift my foot until it’s sort of over the pants leg, then do a combination of lifting the foot / tugging the pants until the foot is the whole way through. It’s easier to lift my foot up when I’m standing.

I have started trying to stand on one foot while brushing my teeth, as a result of t this thread. My next broken bone is ALL YOUR FAULT. (hopefully not really; I always have the not-brushing hand resting on the bathroom counter).