CanadaDope 2017: Celebrating the Sesquicentennial - "... and loving it!"

Hey, Le Ministre, sorry to hear that I’ll not have another chance to hear you perform in person, but does the change mean you’ll have more time for the SDMB? I’ve missed your lively comments the past couple of years!

From what I can tell, no one gets excited about sesquicententials. Not sure why not, perhaps the word is too long or something. Just wait until you get to the BuyCentenial…

If you weren’t wearing something like this, it wasn’t Canadian enough.

[quote=“dtilque, post:22, topic:776045”]

From what I can tell, no one gets excited about sesquicententials. Not sure why not, perhaps the word is too long or something. Just wait until you get to the BuyCentenial…QUOTE]

Highly unlikely I’ll make it to the Bicentennial. I’ll take what I can get! :slight_smile:

Many thanks, m’lud. I’ve missed this place as well; it’s like Facebook, only for smart people. :smiley: There’s something wonderfully old-school about communicating mostly through writing, with the odd link that needs to be clicked to be seen.

I’ve tried to cut back on all my social media addictions, but Facebook has been particularly difficult - it has been how I stay in contact with a number of fellow performers, engagers, etc. So, on the one hand, I have less reason to hang around there; on the other hand, I’m one of the people in charge of the church’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. Here might be one of the few places where I can let loose and say what I really think.

Headline from the front page of the Entertainment Section of today’s Toronto Star -

No matter how bad a day you’re having, it can’t be as bad as the day the headline editor for the Toronto Star is having…

Oh myyy!

It was offensive even before the typo. “Offspring”?

It’s passing that fifth that hurts the most…:smiley:

Perhaps it’s that it’s close enough to Christmas, and the editor had the second verse of “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” in mind -
“Late in time, behold him come
Offspring of a virgin’s womb.”

Sometimes modernized to ‘offspring of the chosen one.’, which isn’t that much better, IMHO…

Must have been a b minor chord in the key of A Major…
…that’s when you get a bm for the ‘2’ chord. (and that’s why stand-up comics avoid music theory jokes.)

raises hand

Excuse me, what does “métis” refer to exactly in Canadian parlance, that you consider it a separate people? Because to me it just means “of mixed ancestry (in humans, used mainly for white+amerind)” but ISTM like it means something somewhat different to you. Thanks in advance.

May y’all on America’s Penthouse have a jolly good year!

Strictly speaking, you’re right - the word ‘Métis’ could apply to anyone of mixed race heritage. However, we use it to describe a particular group of people who are descended from intermarriage of First Nations’ people (often women), and people of European descent (often men). As the following quotations will demonstrate, we ourselves are not terribly clear on what the term means…

Then you can help us celebrate our sestercentennial … zzzz… makes me sleepy just saying the word. Gonna be a big nothing in just 9 years.
ETA: maybe that should be called the siesta-centennial…

I’m chuffed about our sesquicentennial.

I like reading old stuff to get a feel of what people thought and how they thought. If you ever get a chance, read the Makers of Canada series, for in addition to being a history of how Canada came to be, it helps us learn about how its various authors thought, and some of those authors (Duncan Campbell Scott, I’m looking at you) have had a significant influence (for better or worse) on how Canada has developed.

Jump forward to our '67 centennial, and have a look at the foundations of the politics of the philosopher king Pierre Trudeau and of the revolutionary Rene Levesque, and how they opened up an extremely difficult but vitally necessary ongoing discussion on how we should balance our various interests. Then move forward to '82 when Trudeau patriated our Constitution from Merry Old, and added our Charter of Rights and Freedoms to it, which has been used repeatedly to move forward the rights of people. For better or worse, Canada has never been the same, and overall, this very proud Canadian thinks that it has been for the better, including the political disagreements and discussions along the way that help us improve our society rather than either ossify or fragment.

A new continent opened up but not much happened until our political economy blossomed during the second industrial revolution. Then the next thing you know, the new century was upon us with its exponential growth in communications and technology and things that go whirr, followed by the present century that makes William Shatner and his crew seem obsolescent. Yet here we are today, in a political entity that was formed one-hundred and fifty years ago and is doing just fine. A good country with good people, moving through the twenty-first century with confidence and compassion, working to solve our problems, and welcoming others to join with us and share a truly wonderful community in which we and our descendants will have a brilliant future.

I am very glad that our country’s foundations have been both solid and adaptable – functional in a world filled with political dysfunction. With the world changing exponentially faster in the last hundred and fifty years, a sesquicentennial is a significant event that I hope will be used by us to look back at how we came to be who we are today, and how we can continue to work toward our future.

Cheers to 150 years of practical compromise.

Canadian exceptionalism? We have generally emphasized the right things, and “tall poppy” extremism is seen for what it is. But let us not be overly smug. Trudeau’s positivity is a nice contrast to many, but he is not responsible for general optimism. It is easy to cherry-pick contrasts from the US, here social conservatism is milder and a little more practical. There are plenty of advantages to a multiculti view but there are also a few disadvantages and these are not widely discussed. A Canadian Trump is probably impossible, but demagoguery is not. Americans are often more social and more productive, but of late, if you believe the magazines Canadians are as well regarded there as they have been for many years.

I have to admit my cluelessness here. How and when did ‘offspring’ become offensive? Is there a guide somewhere, because ‘Sprog’, ‘crotch fruit’, ‘spawn’, are all perfectly acceptable terms for children in my books. I’m sure I’m behind the times in this (and many other areas as well). :wink:

You missed Montreal’s 375th.
The party starts with sled rides on a major boulevard, includes far-too-expensive granite tree stumps, and yes, lots and lots of real parties too, but as a local I’m constitutionally obliged to deride silly expenditures.

Happy Sesquicentennial year to my northern neighbors! Long may you prosper!
Had a wonderful time bicycling on the Canadian side last September…what wonderful bike trails alone the Great Lakes you have. I hope to return this year for more bicycling.

(And the border crossing to Canada, from upstate NY, at least, is incredibly easy and pro forma. Don’t understand the complaints at all._

This is all interesting. A series of novels set in mostly in Montana, but partly in Canada, led me to believe that Crow (Absaroka) ancestry was necessary to be Métis. I didn’t know it was a more general term.

Very interesting, thank you :slight_smile: