
Fuck you, just fuck you. That’s all. I can’t exactly remember why, nor can I express my thoughts, but this is all I have to say. Fuck you.

I’d agree with that.

Anybody need a 1920s style death ray?
But, in all seriousness, what’s this about?

Are you apoplectic about this?

Why, exactly?

Ryle Dup: That’s it - you’re going to take a Time Out RIGHT NOW.

Hey, CanvasShoes how are you? Have you moved to Texas yet?

screech of tires, sound of siren winding down

Did someone call for the Whaa-mbulance?



Hey guys!

What is going down in this thread?

I’d really like to argue, but I can’t.

Condescending assholes are annoying.

Ah, well… THAT certainly clears things up.

You are so incredibly right the universe will implode.

What do you guys think of the media hype around Mars’ opposition?

I think we should send in a US weapons inspector. If their is indeed any danger posed against us, with one of those inspectors working on the inside, we will find out!

Oh yeah . . . isn’t he supposed to be in Plano or something by now?

No kidding.

So you flame someone else because you can’t seem to express your thoughts? I am not following any of this.

So, I just got a big bag of sunflower seeds. Anyone else like sunflower seeds?

I hate sunflower seeds. They hurt like a son-of-a-bitch when you drive them under your fingernails with a tack-hammer.

I’m not a big fan of sunflower seeds myself, but our six hamsters really enjoy them. :smiley:

Ooooh. I think there’s a colorful story behind that, Larry. Do I want to hear the grisly details, or do you think you’ve shared enough detail already?

Only here can I hear people say “apoplectic”.
What a funny sounding word. Say it once out loud. Apoplectic. :smiley:

Mzkes typin hars, too

When come back, bring rant.