For the first time, Boris (my cat) slid under the covers and cuddled with me at 6:15 in the AM. Usually he lays on the pillow next to me and tickles my face with his whiskers or he lays on top of my head.
The cuddle lasted all of 20 seconds, but it’s a start!
My cat Tuxedo did not like being moved nearly halfway across the country and went into hiding. For almost two months, the only way I knew he was in the apartment was that his food bowl was being emptied and his litter box was being filled…at night, while I was sleeping. I even took him to the vet (once I found where he was hiding during the day) to make sure he wasn’t having a health problem. Finally, he started coming out during the day, but slunk around and wouldn’t let me near him. He’s doing better now, and will let me pet him, but not pick him up, and the other day he actually walked up to me to be petted.
Havoc has always climbed under the covers with us. Lately her sister Pixel has started doing the same. No problem until 5am, when Pix wants to play and Havoc wants to sleep. Who needs an alarm clock?
Isn’t it strange how honored you feel when a kitty who normally won’t give you the time of day deigns to allow you to cuddle it? Here’s my pair of land sharks. Oreo, the black and white one, doesn’t like to be held, but she does think I need to bend down to the floor 500 times a day and pet her. Luna is most definitely a cuddler, but she feels that in order for this to be done properly she has to stick her snout in my nostril. She drools when she’s happy. I had to ban her from the bedroom or I’d have drowned in my sleep.
And I might add that it took me 3 times longer than it should have to type this because Luna is on my lap and she’s highly affronted that I’m using my hands for something besides petting her.
My beasty Saturn loved to sleep under the covers with me, curled against my chest. She also drools :p. Now she lives with my Mum and step-dad and looooves my step-dad, especially his facial hair. According to mum, he can’t go to bed with ‘his cat’ and that they lie in bed with this cat adoring both of them. But if she wants out at 4 in the morning, it’s his bedside table that gets cleared.
I generally keep my kitties out of the bedroom because one of them is at least twenty pounds. He’s cuddly but takes up far too much bed space. The 6 a.m. wake up feed me call isn’t very appreciated either.