CBEscappe is unfamiliar with honesty

In this thread and this thread, CBEscapee has consistently been a dishonest cretin. Many posters have attempted to keep the discussion at the level of debate; however, the cretin in question refuses to be honest on the issue at hand. So, in the second thread, my posting (post #131 of that thread) was a semi-comprehensive addressing of his dishonesty and numerous requests for him to put up or shut up (to provide proof of his assertions or to admit his dishonesty).

As I don’t expect any sort of honest answer from said cretin, this thread should be the perfect place to respond to said cretin’s ridiculous comments that are sure to flow forth soon. And since this thread’s in the BBQ Pit, any and all who are frustrated by CBEscapee’s dishonest behavior shall have more leeway to, shall we say, pointedly address that behavior.

Never try to teach a pig to sing: it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

I bet he comes in here now and calls me a racist for that analogy, too, proving my point.

A racist Gringo, of course.

Yeah, I forgot. It’s been a few days since I’d been called that.

Where did this dickhead come from anyway? I don’t remember encountering him until a few weeks ago, and suddenly he’s everywhere-- lingering like a fart in a phone booth. He’s like a Mexican Aldaberon. If we ignore him, will he go away?

Well you know how those people are, damn Gringos.

Two things on names (of course, only so I won’t be accused of racism):

  1. I misspelled the pitee’s name. It’s CBEscapee.
  2. Isn’t the other poster’s name Aldebaran? Or was it Aldeberan?

What an excellent analogy.

Aldebaran…after the star.

My bet is he does show up at all.

You know **Airman Doors, USAF ** you should stop being such a Gringo. :wink:

Ah yes the word gringo!! You people seem to have a hang up with this word. Apparently only the English (American dialect) translation is acceptable around here for a Spanish word. Regardless that I posted definitions from three legitimate and authoritive Spanish language sources.

Maybe one of you chickenshit posters will clue me in. Would the username “nigger jim” be allowed? How about “wetback Juan”? Or would those be deemed unacceptable to the administration of this site or considered offensive to gringo sensibilities?

Again your rampant dishonesty.

Are you posting on a Spanish language message board? No? Are you posting on a board where the English definition of words will be taken as their meaning? Ya don’t say?

Your willful ignorance is transparent.

Oh, tell me about these “gringo sensibilities” that those people have?

Damn janus faced racist.

Actually he should try to be less of an asshole, regardless of where he was born.

I’m a little surprised at you jim. You seemed to have a more common sense, not one to posess a herd mentality. I guess one lives and learns.

Pardon me, foreigners aren’t a race. So you’re not, stricly speaking, a racist.

You’re a xenophobic bigoted dishonest schmuck.

Glad I could clear that up.

I won’t hold your stupity and bigotry against you son. You’re forgiven.

Mmm hmmmmm.

It’s “stupid” to realize that you talk down about foreigners as if they were a unified group? If you say so spunky.

And, my bigotry? What would that be, exactly? Why don’t you cite it?
Oh, because you can’t and you’re a damn liar, eh? Who’d a thunk it?

I am not sure if I am remembering correctly, but did Alde not say he had multiple accounts and that we would see him again?

You’re just another pussy that would never have the balls to do anything on your own. Like the people who run up and kick someone after someone else sucker punches them.

Neither nigger nor wetback would be permitted in the context you used the term gringo, you stupid racist.

When writing in English, the English definitions are the operative ones. To wit:

But let’s let bygones be bygones on this one, CBEscapee. Now that you know that many of us “gringos” find that term to be offensive, will you refrain from using it in the future?