Celebrity Mole...end of the world?

I think this might be the fifth horseman of the apocalypse(he doesn’t hang with the original four).

They’ve ruined the best reality show on TV. Instead of making another mole show, they brought in cheap celebrities instead!

And Anderson Cooper isn’t back either. It’s Ahmad Rashad!

Anyone else pissed?

And there was also a report that a fire struck the studio containing the Celebrity Mole tapes – they said they are trying to salvage enough to put together the show!

I’ve seen the promos. . . and I don’t think I recognized a single “celebrity.” How famous could they be?

Why in the world woyld they have not brought Anderson Cooper back? He did a great job as host! It makes no sense at all!

He works for CNN now. He assumed that when Mole 2 got pulled until the summer, there wouldn’t be a Mole 3.

annieclaus said:

If they were really famous, they wouldn’t need to go on a show like this. It’s pretty much the same with all “celebrity” reality TV shows – you only get the b-list at best, likely c-list or d-list.

Well, the cast includes

So four people with long-running sitcoms (Kathy Griffin was on Suddenly Susan), one person from a recent/current series, a Baldwin and a “supermodel.” I’ve never heard of the supermodel but I’ve heard of everyone else or at least their work. So not exactly scraping the bottom of the barrel (and note: a Kato-free zone!). and definitely a step up from, say, Celebrity Boxing in wattage.