Change a letter in a movie/tv show title

We’ve subtracted a letter from movie titles, and added a letter to the same. Now let’s change one letter in a title; do not add or subtract letters, just change one. After you change the letter of your choice tell us about the movie or show.

The Tutors: Henry, the darling of the literature department, tutors and then marries a string of women in this lush epic about the inner workings of the Brit Lit department at an Ivy League college.

Prick: in this neo-noir an abrasive young man looks into the death of a his ex-girlfriend.

Raven: A woman who is a former FBI agent, along with a young police chief and the local bad boy (the chief’s rival for her affections), work to solve one mystery in their Maine town - what the hell is wrong with the local birds?

Bad Men: a period piece about a bunch of jerks.

Not In Cleveland: The story of four women, none of them in Cleveland.

Pulp Diction. I think it’s the same movie though.

Doctor Pho – An alien chef travels through time in search of the perfect noodle soup.

How I let your mother: A father narrates to his children the stories of his life as a pimp.

Breaking Bed: A man beset with terminal cancer decides to live out his remaining days binging on drugs and banging his wife.

Yet another sing of cultural regression:

The New York Times Review of Boobs

The Silence of the Jambs - How to fix creaking door hinges.

A real movie: Capablanca: a biography of one one the best chess players ever.

Star Jaws - We’re going to need a bigger space ship.
The Liver of Others - Hannibal Lector opens a new restaurant in Seattle.
**B.A. Confidential **- Baracus knows, but he isn’t telling.
The Green Bile - Tom Hanks struggles with seasickness.
Dull Metal Jacket - Arthurian epic told from the Black Knight’s PoV.
Die Bard - A cyborg assassin is sent back through time on a mission to kill Shakespeare.

Schindler’s Lift - A documentary charting the rise (and fall, and rise again, after the doors jammed temporarily in the sub-basement level) of the Schindler elevator company.

Tight Club - The first rule of Tight Club is don’t expect anyone to buy you a pint.

Apocalypse Not - Wayne and Garth go to Vietnam. Excellent!

Allen - After answering an SOS call from a remote planet, the crew of a mining ship are terrorised by a hideous self-obsessed character wearing thick-rimmed glasses.

Bark to the Future - Einstein the dog is revealed as the real brains behind the flux capacitor.

Legends of the Fail - In the wilds of Montana, three brothers pass their time LOLing at YouTube videos of people injuring themselves.

Hones: A forensic scientist and her co-workers and one hot FBI guy, hang around sharpening their knives and scalpels and wits. Yes, wits.

Lame, I know. :slight_smile:

Pie Hard. A low budget porn movie about a sad little man and his kinky sexual obession with pies.

Torched By An Angel A team of heavenly beings help people on Earth by committing fire by hire.

James and the Giant Perch The touching story of a young boy and a really big fish.

American Pip - A remake of Great Expectations that moves the action to New Jersey.

American Pig - A remake of Babe that moves the action, etc.

Star Bars: The adventures of a alcoholic…in space!

Moldfinger: Don’t let him touch you, you don’t want to know where that’s been!

Boldfinger: Goosing his way across America!

Lard of the Rings: After centuries of waiting for the time to be right, it turned out that Sauron really let himself go.


Alan Alda and Phil Donahue sit around, crying about how their fathers never said “I love you,” and how they wish they were women.

MAS*K - Jim Carrey plays the new recruit at a military hospital in Korea who quickly drives everybody batshit with his incessant unfunny gurning.

Fanny Farm. No ifs, ands or buts about it, but plenty of butts.

Warne’s World - A fat Aussie cricketer sits in his basement with his thick friend Ricky eating pies and texting photos of his knob to women.

LOFT - A ragtag bunch of strangers find themselves unable to leave a large apartment. They have to fight against another group of awful flatmates known as the Others and at the end it’s all a bit of a letdown.