Charlotte Pub Trivia

I’m sticking this in MPSIMS first, since this is where I see most of the other Charlotte area dopers hanging out. Would the mods mind letting this stay here for a day or two, before moving it to The Game Room?

Who’s interested in team trivia at PJ O’Reilly’s pub in Ballentyne beginning next Wednesday?

That could be fun! Unfortunately, I have summer school until June 24th - so I should probably not join until after that.

Kneadtoknow and I are actually pretty good at trivia - but I don’t know if I could do it weekly. We currently do The Charlotte Geeks Trivia night every other month - you should come! Next one will be in July. June will be Board Games night.

What melody said. :slight_smile:

No can do, Mäuschen. Off to CS it goes, but don’t worry, I’ll leave the redirect link an extra day or two.

CS? Odd choice.

It is indeed. I’m further moving it to the Game Room.

Stop the thread! I want to get off!


well - umm - no - but we won’t talk about that here.

That sounds good, too. Where do you all meet up?

We rotate around to different restaurants in the area. We’ve done a couple at Anntony’s on 7th Street, one at a local Chinese restaurant, and some others. We usually have about 20-30 people show and there’s no entry fee.

I’m checking out Jackalope Jack’s for the next one. Did you sign up on Then you’d get notified about all the different events we have going on.

I hope this is not considered spamming, this is not my intention.

But just wanted to let interested Charlotte-area dopers know that the Charlotte Geeks trivia night this month is next Friday, July 16th at Anntony’s Caribbean Cafe off 7th Street (don’t confuse it with the one in the University area . . .)

They do a $10 buffet of caribbean food with water and tea - there’s no fee to participate. The theme is “Summer Lovin’” and I’ve heard it will include questions about past summer blockbusters, summer music, and other categories - she does 10 categories and the winners are getting free tickets to the Geek Gala.

food starts at 6:30, trivia starts at 7.

Hope you guys can make it - kneadtoknow and I will be there . . .

Fun never runs out in Charlotte!

Next Pub Trivia is Fridya, September 24th - at Bronte’s Bistro in the South Park Mall. Free admission - and there’s a $10 buffet that includes free sodas, water, and iced tea.

This month’s cuisine theme is Asian. Buffet starts at 6:30 - trivia starts at 7 PM.

Aw, I wish I was a bit closer to Charlotte. I’m in Greensboro, NC. we do trivia at the Green Bean on Monday nights, but I don’t know if there are any dopers in this area.

Good luck at trivia!