The evil headmistress’s car obviously crashes into Grandpa Pirate’s car, complete with explosion, fire, and a flying “I 3> JESUS” plate. She is then seen in hell, dressed in the leather bodysuit and whip, whimpering “I wish I had listened to Lil Suzy.”
We’re getting a little off track here. Can we pick up after panel 16 and pretend the other stuff never happened (sorry, *king but I think your direction is a little too farcical. We usually try to keep these things grounded in the spirit of a real tract and follow the genuine Chick formulas. The closer parody is to truth, the more effective it is).
Considering the original material is farcical to begin with I did’t see the harm. I was going with the Next Generation type paranoia. You know, turning the kid’s against their elders and all, but if you want to decide how this one goes, be my guest.
Well, the “turning the kids against their parents” is a good idea, but it doesn’t work with Suzie, because we already know Suzie, and it’s out of character for her to do that.
I didn’t mean any offense, King. Like Captain Amazing said, I just think it’s out of character for Susy. The “good” Chick characters never change.
I’m also not trying to choose the outcome, I just want to “reset” it, so to speak.
Why don’t you redo your panel but don’t feel like you have to go in my direction. I’m only asking that we keep the story plausible as a real Chick Tract.
Unless she has been a double agent narking on granpa and suckering kids into coverting… notice none of teh newly converted children ever reapear in the tracts. Why?
'Cause they have been rounded up by the evil One worlders.
But that is all moot, I have withdrawn. 'nuff said.
Well, shoot, this one was going too good to let it drop. I have an idea. Remember, when Suzy was taken away we couldn’t see her for a while. Maybe what we are seeing now isn’t really Suzy, but an imposter? Then the real Suzy could somehow make an appearance, someone gets converted, someone goes to hell, and so on. If **king ** wants to retract his retraction, I say, let it stay, and write around it.