Is there any hope for a relationship with chics who put out right away or not? Personally, I like to test drive before I get stuck with some shitty virgin who lays there like a dead fish.
Judging from your earlier posts throughout the SDMB, I’d have to advise you to steer clear of women. Totally. You’d be doing them a great favor.
Of course, women fall into the two distinct categories of undatable whores to use just for sex, and virgins who wouldn’t ever put out, and even if they did, they would be terrible in bed.
So which are you on the asshole/loser dichotomy?
Amen and amen!
This entire question is unanswerable, as is it based on false premises:
(1) If a girl let’s you “test drive” her, she is a worthless whore you can’t have a relationship with.
(2) If she doesn’t give you sex right away, she is a “shitty virgin” who will lie there like a dead fish.
I always feel that despite such posts, people like that have a better love life than I do anyhow. This depresses me enormously.
Netbrian judging from most of Adman’s posts, I seriously doubt he’s getting laid more than you.
Give women a little credit, willya?
Adman, I was one of those “shitty virgins” until I was in my mid-20’s. As expected, when I ceased to be one, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, as did the gentleman I was involved with. One reason I was a virgin as long as I was was in order to avoid having sex with jerks. While I am celibate now, I can honestly say I’ve never had a bad sexual experience, nor has a man had a bad sexual experience with me. I am not inexperienced.
So, stock question number 142:
Why is women are either “virgins” or “sluts” while no such dichotomy exists for men?
By the way, Netbrian, SnoopyFan, if I do decide to do something about that celibacy thing, trust me, you two are way ahead of the OP.
Is there actually anything of substance to debate here?
Any woman who agrees to have sex me automatically gets into the ‘nice’ category.
In my experience it makes no difference what so ever. I have not been any more likely to be involved with a girl who doesnt put out on the first night, than ones that do.
I live in Iceland and things here are a bit different.
I prefer girls with a bit of experience.
I was going to ask what the difference between the two categories was.
But I see that spooje already addressed this.
I think that the answer to your question is yes.
I’m not sure what the debate is here.
Do you prefer a girl who will “put out” on the first date, or first few dates, to one who eventually gives in after a suitable amount of courting and present-purchasing?
[Moderator Hat ON]
Off to IMHO.
[Moderator Hat OFF]
Hmm … how about “lucky bastards” and “guys with wonderful personalities”?
<<“guys with wonderful personalities”>>
Such a thing exists?
Seriously though, if you reverse the gender it’s guys who DON’T whine for you to put out. Isn’t that a nice guy?
Welcome to the boards, pessimisticgrace! (May we call you pessimistic or pess for short?)
A word of caution…the “nice guy” debate is a recurring theme here in IMHO. You can search for some of the recent threads…there’s been a lot of discussion on the subject, some of it interesting! (Eh, just kidding there, IMHO denizens!)
What if I prefer shitty virgin chics who put out right away? Or as I like to call them SVCWPORA.
Laying dead fish is never cool.
As others have said, the OP is wrong and self-contradictory. The only answer is “mu”. ;]
Do you prefer a girl who will “put out” on the first date, or first few dates, to one who eventually gives in after a suitable amount of courting and present-purchasing?
I prefer women who are mature enough to not be freaked out about having sex, and are capable of deciding if they like me enough to have sex with me by the third date.
Further, I particularly love women who, when they realize at or before the third date that I’m not their type, will tell me so honestly and openly and break things off, instead of expecting me to be psychic and read their minds and break things off, thus saving them from having to be the bad guy and actually take responsibility for their own love lives.
Further, I tend to hate the living crap out of immature little girls who are either freaked out about having sex (choose one: religious nut, virgin till marriage, scared of men and male sexuality), or who string me along for date after date after date with no intention of ever getting more serious, simply because I know the good restaurants, have a credit card, and am pleasant company.
Yes, I have some issues in this area. ;]
You’re all going to think I’m nuts, but there’s probably nothing in the dating world I love more than a long, slow tease, even one that lasts for months. I’ve dated women who were too fast and… well, it’s hard to explain, but I felt I’d been somehow robbed of something. Maybe deep down inside I feel it’s my birthright as a man to be intoxicated and consumed by desire. That doesn’t happen when a woman puts out on the second date.
And I’m not saying I like it when a woman has hangups about sex, it’s actually just the opposite. I think it’s cool when a woman appreciates being wanted. When she knows I’m hot, hot, oh so hot for her and she gets off on it; has fun with it, wants to make it last as long as possible. Yes, I believe that sometimes a woman has to be cruel to be kind.
Hmm. A serious, thoughtful answer to an impossibly ignorant and eminently mockable question. You know what your problem is? You’re too nice.