'Cause, I mean, a good vanilla is just so divine (and I do mean a good vanilla, as opposed to the regular bog-standard gumboot vanilla, which is basically a what’s-the-point affair from beginning to end).
On the other hand, chocolate. C h o c o l a t e. Ahhh.
But then, raspberry. Yummy!
And while I’m at it (and not that I’m saying there’s any connection): Metal, wood, plastic or rubber?
I think tying this down to ice-cream or spoons would be terribly limiting, don’t you?
(By the way … Mars, Venus or Neptune?)
Rubber spoon … interesting idea. May have to try it.
Between water and gas, I have to note that a water balloon filled with gas somehow misses the point; whereas a gas balloon filled with water is likely to leave you looking all wet.
Vanilla is my favourite.
MacSpon, I know what you mean about a good vanilla ice cream. They seem to be few and far between, but it’s well worth hunting around for a decent one because they leave the others behind.
And I was broken-hearted when the Body Shop[sup]TM[/sup] discontinued their “Original Vanilla” perfume - now they just have plain old “Vanilla” - which most definitely isn’t the same thing. I loved their old perfume - it smelled exactly like cooking vanilla. Easily the most heavenly scent on earth.
Chocolate is also good, in moderation, if you get good quality chocolate. And raspberry is fabulous on cheesecake. But vanilla is far and away the best all-around flavor.
Good vanilla ice cream (with REAL VANILLA BEAN) is tantalizingly delicious.
Damn you GuanoLad, I feel like eating some banana and chocolate ripple ice cream now, but I don’t have any. wanders off to look in the freezer to see what flavours I do have