Choose your execution

I have nothing to add, aside from the fact that when I first read the topic, I thought it said: “Choose your Ejaculation”

::60 seconds later::

And, I hoped that it was a multiple choice. BWA!

Good choice GRJ at least he(the french admiral dude) was smiling. :smiley:

To quote Brer Rabbit, “If you got to go, go in a barbecue sauce.”

(from “Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby,” THE TALES OF UNCLE REMUS as retold by Julius Lester, Dial, NY, 1986.)

“Shoot straight, you bastards! Don’t make a mess of it.”

In battle. With my nostrils filled with the heady scent of my enemies’ blood, my sweat-slicked muscles burning with exertion most just, the screams of ten thousand heathens ragged with awe and despair ringing in my ears, my voice lifted up to bellow defiance at the heavens themselves. They can only execute you if they take you alive.

Strapped to a Nuclear Bomb. If I’m going down, so is everybody within a 3 mile radius.

Hmmm, where’s the evil laugh icon?

Ooh! Me too! Preferably a thermonuke (H-bomb) hanging under a balloon at 1500 feet. I’d like that, having my own little sun…:smiley:

I don’t want to know… I would prefer it to be quick and painless… and above all a surprise!

Carbon monoxide. I want to go out with rosy cheeks (no, perv; I mean the cheeks on my face).

Being strapped to a nuke would do it for ya, then. You’d be atoms before your brain would register any of it. That’s the way I’d choose, too. Vaporized in micro- or milliseconds. 10-9-8-7-6-5-SURPRISE!

Carbon monoxide probably wouldn’t be bad. Neither, or so I’ve heard, would severe hypothermia; after the shakes you just want to go to sleep.