Chronos this is a ridiculous mod note

Try again.

The restaurants exist. Talking about them using less crude terms than the name of the restaurant cannot possibly be worse than using their trade name. The options are:

  • don’t talk about them

  • use a more sexist term for them ie “hooters”.


Thank you. Yes, “breastaurant” is a pretty squicky name. Yes, so is “Hooters”, but it is, sadly, the actual official name of a well-known chain.

Personally, I’d call them “restaurants whose appeal is based on busty waitresses, not food or drink”. But I’d be okay with “Hooters and similar”. Or the tactful “themed restaurants” mentioned in the OP.

No need. You’re clearly wrong here.

Maybe just me but I think that’s a feature and not a bug.

The idea of a ““restaurant”” that’s as close to a go-go bar as it can get without pissing off your wife is squicky in itself.

You want to discourage use of the term “breasts” despite it being a standard medical term? And you want to discourage the use of “boobs” despite it being a standard term used IME by women about their own breasts?

What shall we call them? “Fatty mammary glands on the front of a woman’s chest”? Happy with that?

And we can’t just call a breast focussed restaurant a breastaurant we have to call it a “restaurant whose appeal is based on busty waitresses, not food or drink”?

In the end, this isn’t about sexism or putting anyone down or anything of the sort. It’s just the standard taboo against naming genitalia and having to use obscure obfuscatory euphemisms lest you do anything so crude as call something what it is. If any proof of that were needed (and it isn’t) it’s that even when the medical term “breast” is used, you still can’t cope.

There are breasts. This place used to be sufficiently intellectual that we could cope. No longer.

Yeah women are OK with “restaurants whose appeal is based on busty waitresses, not food or drink” but what really truly upsets them in an understandable way is when you say “breast”.

No when speaking discouragingly about restaurants-that-cannot-be-named you must not use a putdown term for them lest you send pearls flying across the floor.

No, I’m really not. But they exist, and I’m not going to pretend they don’t.

If the thread were about those places, maybe “breastaurant” would have been an appropriate term. But it wasn’t. It was about why a normal restaurant only hired women. I think the op described the situation quite well with the broader “themed restaurant”.

But we aren’t allowed to talk about them except using a trade term or a long winded euphemism?

The OP might not have been about “restaurants whose appeal is based on busty waitresses, not food or drink” but again you are being disingenuous to bring that up, given that you know very well that mod notes are not given for being off topic, let along for being off topic accidentally, as it appears was the case for the post in question.

When you say “themed restaurant” you mean like Rock’nRoll or Mickey Mouse? No of course you don’t. That would be silly. And in any other context you’d wonder why the heck anyone would use such a broad and misleading euphemism when they could simply say what they meant.

The only reason anyone is using “themed restaurant” or “restaurants whose appeal is based on busty waitresses, not food or drink” here is because they can’t break the ridiculous societal taboo against direct references to those-things-on-women’s-chests-we-can’t-directly reference (oh no I’m blushing so hard now, I apologise for being so crass).

I disagree

And I disagree that “breastaurant” is merely “talking about breasts”. Based off how language works, it’s clearly a dismissive, belittling construction. There’s nothing “fair” about it.

i.e a bunch of mostly male, exploitative, middle-aged dinosaurs. That’s who should be setting the standards? Fuck no, and I’m glad you agree.

Yes, yes it is. It’s belittling such restaurants. I’m surprised to see you standing up for them.

You think Bear isn’t aware of exactly how you were using the word? Continuing to defend it is not a good look. Apologize and move on, I’d say.

They aren’t? Because I’ve seen plenty.

Same here. It’s one of the most common mod notes I can think of.

So you agree he was being disingenous? Mmkay, you have a funny way of supporting people.

You are right but only for persistent and wilful such conduct.

Do you really want to argue with me on this point? Really? Here’s a quote -

“While the content of this post is on-topic”

Guess who said that. Go on, guess. I’ll give you a clue - check the OP in this thread.

No, no it isn’t.

Yes, by using women’s body parts as part of the construction.

This is the second fucking ATMB thread in 24 hours where someone has used this exact stupid argument. You don’t know me, you don’t know what I stand for, clearly.

Well, let me clue you in - The underlying “breasts, tee-hee, they’re so funny” prepubescent boy mindset is the only reason the term works as a belittling name. Not a mindset I want to see in FQ as a poster, and as a man.

Did I say this mod note was for being off-topic? No, I did not. I merely corrected the absolute statement you made.

No, I think he used a standard English phrasing. I do know someone is being disingenuous here.

Bear know exactly where I stand on things like this, which is more than you can say.

Okay, is this really that big a deal? I admit, I would have used the word “breastaurant” myself, because, as I said, I consider a standard term. I also like the portmanteau.

But I also don’t see any reason to get super upset if other people would prefer I don’t use it. I can always say something like “breast-themed restaurant,” or even be more generic like “body-part-themed restaurant.”

I’m surprised at the level of dislike for “breastaurant,” but getting offended by that dislike seems rather much.

So a restaurant that sells itself using breasts cannot be called what it is using a portmanteau term combining the words restaurant and breast?

Sorry there’s no point in continuing this discussion. It’s just too silly. I won’t be able to resist the temptation to mock you as you sputter with righteous rage over nothing and it will end badly.

I know where I stand on sexism. I work with loads of women. I was described by one of them as “not having a sexist bone in my body”. I do more housework than any male husband I know.

I do practical stuff. I do not get my underwear into a knot with sputtering rage over the use of the terms boobs or breasts. The last time those terms were used in front of me was last Friday night, utteredby a bunch of women workmates.

There are actual, important, real things to be done about sexism. Whipping up froth is not one of them.

Or instead, how low the threshold of offensiveness has gone.