These threads are- what, 10 pages long all together? You just know there’s going to be another sequel with something that popular. I sometimes toy with the idea of actually opening those threads, but then I realize that Monday will eventually arrive and I’ll have to go back to work. I also suspect that there is a fair amount of ballast in those threads, and if they were given to a copy editor, a lot of posts would end up on the cutting room floor.
Maybe we could ask nicely for Esprix (which, by the way, I have always pronounced “es-pricks”) to run those threads through a colander, leaving behind the meaty bits and produce the best of for those of us who are interested, but don’t have en entire weekend to read the original threads.
I can tell you how that happened. Anything enclosed in the double quotation marks in a thread title gets deleted (these guys " "). Use the single quotes or apostrophes, those seem to work just fine (these guys ’ ').
No, I’ve never done a Reader’s Digest version of the thread, but I tried to at least index the first thread. The second post of the second thread has links to each page of the first thread and a quick rundown of what topics were disussed on that page. Does that help, or do you still want an abridged version? I suppose I could do a Gay Guy FAQ - questions asked and my brief answer. But who has the time? (Oh, no, wait, I do, as evidenced by being #7 on the post per day ratio list.)
And, yes, it’s my own derivation of “esprit,” which are both pronounced “es-pree.”