Cliffs Notes on 'Ask the Gay Guy'

These threads are- what, 10 pages long all together? You just know there’s going to be another sequel with something that popular. I sometimes toy with the idea of actually opening those threads, but then I realize that Monday will eventually arrive and I’ll have to go back to work. I also suspect that there is a fair amount of ballast in those threads, and if they were given to a copy editor, a lot of posts would end up on the cutting room floor.

Maybe we could ask nicely for Esprix (which, by the way, I have always pronounced “es-pricks”) to run those threads through a colander, leaving behind the meaty bits and produce the best of for those of us who are interested, but don’t have en entire weekend to read the original threads.

Was that nice enough? :slight_smile:

Sorry the subject line got cut off some how. I’ve asked a moderator-type person to fix my boo-boo so it’ll make more sense soon, I promise!

I can tell you how that happened. Anything enclosed in the double quotation marks in a thread title gets deleted (these guys " "). Use the single quotes or apostrophes, those seem to work just fine (these guys ’ ').

I believe it’s pronounced “ess-pree”

I just had to send you my personal thanks as tears stream down my face in gratitude that you wrote “CLIFFS” right!

Espree, right. To rhyme with Grand Prix. (Even though the French word for mind/spirit is esprit, not esprix.

Don’t hold yer breath.

We’re still waiting on the novelization of the “Guy Stuff” thread from Falcon!

Wow, opus, I didn’t know you cared. :slight_smile:

No, I’ve never done a Reader’s Digest version of the thread, but I tried to at least index the first thread. The second post of the second thread has links to each page of the first thread and a quick rundown of what topics were disussed on that page. Does that help, or do you still want an abridged version? I suppose I could do a Gay Guy FAQ - questions asked and my brief answer. But who has the time? (Oh, no, wait, I do, as evidenced by being #7 on the post per day ratio list.)

And, yes, it’s my own derivation of “esprit,” which are both pronounced “es-pree.”


SHUT UP! I’m freaking WORKING on it! Just getting a job so I can get down to Norfolk in August is a wee bit more important!

Besides, Chief…I think you’d go nuts if there wasn’t SOMETHING to tease me about.