Cocoyo coconut milk yogurt - um, CocoNO

They had some cacao-flavored product on sale at the local natural-foods market, so I decided to try it. Flavor-wise, it was OK, but the texture - I swear, this stuff was carbonated! It was NASTY.

I threw away the rest of the container, and won’t be buying this again. UGH!

(I expect kefir to have a bit of a fizz, but not yogurt.)

Fizz, huh? I’d be tempted to buy it again to see if the first container was off.

I mentioned CocoYo/No on Facebook, and my brother said he’s bought it (and is actually willing to pay full price for vanilla) and said it’s supposed to be fizzy. He didn’t like it straight but would mix it with another vanilla yogurt.

Otherwise, he said he’d never tried a plant-milk yogurt that he liked. I agreed that the texture isn’t the same.

Go all out and add some ginger ale or seven up, maybe it’ll be good? :rofl:

Faux kefir? Or koumiss made from coconut milk?