Coldfire spotting?

Could it be that this Reuters news report signifies the definitive Coldfire Spotting?

Since they name no names, we can only wonder.

:: snicker ::

But I thought Coldfire was more into leather than fur.

Fifteen litres of beer?

Pete in palazzo pants, that’s too much beer. My beerometer is buggered.

Well, I am from the South, originally… :wink:

But to speak with Shaggy: “It wasn’t me!”

First off, I’m 28. Second, I have never worn a bear suit in my entire life. I do occasionally don a pig suit to cruise for new babes. But I digress.

And finally, despite all they keep telling you, 15 liters of beer would most likely kill even me. I’m surprised our drunk bear lived to tell the tale!

(I managed to drink 40 glasses of beer at a Carnival Fest once. Don’t worry, this is Holland. The glasses were tiny. But it’s still 8 liters of beer, and I was severely drunk. Surely, 15 liters would be impossible for me.
Must have been good beer though: no hangover or nothing.)


8*1.76 = 14.08 pints. Pussy :stuck_out_tongue:

Poor poofy doesn’t she burst :wink:

If he drank 14 pints without peeing, then that would be an achievement.

Man, I just knew this was going to happen when I heard this story on NPR this morning. I even predicted it to Mrs Chance on the morning drive it.

I thought for sure…

Well, from what I recall, all he has to do is tie his foreskin in a knot, and use it like a reservoir.

*Originally posted by Manservant Hecubus *

Perhaps the bear suit had been enlisted to serve as a reservoir.