Hey, Coldfire!

It’s after midnight over there, isn’t it?

:: cues up some Rush ::

:: opens a bottle of Grolsch ::


Gelukkig geboortedag!!

[sub]One of those has to be right… ;)[/sub]

Ummm, yeah! What she said!

::smooches Coldy on this special day::

(What the hell are we talking about, chique??)

::bounces into thread::

Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy happy
happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy BIRTHDAY!!!

::licks Mr. Coldfire 28 times::

::bounces back out of thread


Haartelijk Gefeliciteerd, Coldfire.

tiggeril, Coldie’s got a girlfriend for that;) But I’m sure he appropriately thankful (and wet).

So, Coldfire, how many times have you turned 28?:slight_smile:

Ohhh, a birthday! Well, happy birthday Old Man! Here’s to another year, and many more. I hope you have a great day and all that. And I hope that you never fail to get whatever it is you want (provided that whatever it is you want is legal and not too dangerous. Okay, it doesn’t even really have to be legal. :smiley: )

Feliz cumpleaños Señor Coldfire

Happy birthday, babe!!!

smooches bunches

Fletch sends Coldies girlfriend a black latex dominatrix outfit complete with studded leather paddle. Twenty eight strokes for the clog boy!

It’s Coldy’s birthday!

Trust the server to play up at midnight here…(it’s an anti-mod conspiracy :wink: )
happy birthday coldie!

(& chique too!)

Happy birthday Coldie…I hope you get more then a kiss from Poofy…:wink:


Happy B Day, FrozenFlame!!!

May your clogs never scuff, your pot always light, your beer never go flat, and your dikes never leak (Unless you’re into that sort of thing).

Happy Birthday, Pattern of moonlight on the bedroom floor.

Um, I was afraid someone would have to rush out and give chique CPR or something! Looked like she was choking. :wink:

Anyway, enough of slandering your people and language. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, Coldfire! I hope it’s a good one. And let me just add…what everyone else said or something. :slight_smile:

Bonne fête, Feu-froid!

28? Infant. :wink:

Happy Birthday!

In exactly one month I will buy you a birthday drink!
Love ya!

28? Senior. :smiley:

In ieder geval, hartelijk gefeliciteerd van een landgenoot!