Dammit, Coldfire all I needed was another ten seconds

You closed the thread in ATMB discussing why you can’t post breast links about 10 seconds before I could type:

“But the breast links in life are free.”

It was such a good line, and now it looks all contrived, damn.

…and that last line in the thread, “poke the bear until it growls”? Damn, Coldy, you must be a demon with the chat-up lines.

Isn’t bear-poking up there with pooky-felching?

It’s still a good line. Coldfire, would you consider reopening the thread just long enough to post that (with an explanation that it’s from Scylla)?

Gee, Scylla, I don’t know. To me, it looks like the breast links aren’t free.


(Note to moderators: no nudity involved here. Just some chainmail lingerie.)