I generally hate commercials, specifically commercials which try to be funny but (usually) aren’t, so it puzzles me why I don’t hate BigSpot.com’s automatic yoyo commercial. I actually laugh when the guy gives the big phony thumbs-up to the “can I play with your yoyo?” girl.
Maybe because the woman is smokin’ hot?
I liked the Honey Badger pistachio commercial. That’s not inexplicable, but I don’t give a shit.
Which woman, and, you’re wrong whichever you choose.
Most of the time I hate sappy commercials, but this Subaru ad gets me choked up every time.
“Daddy, okay!”
That one kind of annoys me because, seriously, they couldn’t find shirts that have the same color stripes? One is red, the other blue…gah, it bugs me in a way it shouldn’t because it’s just a commercial, but gah!
Your loss. More of this goodness for me.
(Insert quip about how they are a family in real life here)
I’m not sure what the OP is after, because there are a lot of commercials I like. So if I’m not mentioning ones I *inexplicably *don’t hate, forgive me for not understanding the assignment.
Saw the honey badger pistachio one (Dung Beetle mentioned) the other night for the first time, and thought it was great. Sounds like they really got Randall.
I like the Keith Moon commercials for Keystone Light - it’s a great way to pitch bad, cheap, and unbelievably outdated as cool. And they make me laff.
Are you sure you meant Keith Moon? Keith “I drank and medicated myself to death at 32” Moon? I’d call him a sub-optimal choice to vouch for the advantages of drinking beer. I guess the slogan could be, “We guarantee you can’t keep enough of this stuff down to kill you!”
The antacid commercial with the food slapping people in the face. They’re so stupid they’re funny.
He’s totally hot. Find him as Tina Fey’s love interest on old 30 Rock episodes, as well as Oz.
I think it was “Keith Stone” that the user was talking about.
From the Keystone Beer ads
I don’t know what it is about how the kid delivers that line that gets me, but it just seems very natural. Love it.
I am bothered by the color of the shirts changing, too. Couldn’t have been so hard to find matching shirts!
The Sprint Nexus 4G commercial here:
I always stop fast forwarding to watch the part where the cat runs up the slide.
It’s from this video, which I could watch anytime I want, but I can’t resist it when it’s right there on the screen.
Don’t hate it, more of a point-and-laugh reaction:
Commercial for Viagra. Shows a guy on a sailboat on a tranquil lake. Later shows him heading home. All alone all the way.
Why does he need Viagra if he’s all by himself? That is so pathetic!
(I’m guessing that’s not the message they meant to send, but that’s how I interpreted it).
That new Dish Network commercial with the giant cowboy hats makes absolutely no sense, but I laugh at it every single time.
A lot of people hate the Compare the Meerkat ads, but I quite like them.
One of the anti-depressant commercials - I think it’s “Abilify” or something like that. Animated commercial with the cute little black cloud following her around. sitting with a clipboard in the Dr.'s office. Little Black Cloud is so cute - I wish my depression looked like that.