I am strong-willed.
You are stubborn.
He is a pig-headed fool.
I am trim.
You are skinny.
She is a bag of bones.
I am trusting.
You are naive.
He is a sucker.
I am serially monogamus.
You are promiscuous.
She is a bloody rutting slut.
I am strong-willed.
You are stubborn.
He is a pig-headed fool.
I am trim.
You are skinny.
She is a bag of bones.
I am trusting.
You are naive.
He is a sucker.
I am serially monogamus.
You are promiscuous.
She is a bloody rutting slut.
I am witty.
You are a half-wit.
He is witless.
I am big-boned.
You are fat.
She is Anna Nicole.
I am stylish.
You are trendy.
She is a fashion slut.
I am stylish.
You are foppish.
He is a prancing ninny.
Comic Books
I am rediscovering my childhood.
You are stuck in the past.
He is a fanboy.
Fan Fiction
I am exercizing my creativity.
You are taking that show way too seriously.
She is a Mary Sue.
Drug Use
I have an addictive personality.
You are hooked through the bag. (Thanks, Qadgop!)
He is a junkie.
I am adventurous.
You are promiscuous.
She is a slut.
I am gay,
he is a homosexual,
you are a queen.
I am casual.
You are messy.
She’s a slob.
I am sensuous
You are kinky
He is a pervert
I am smart.
You are clever.
He is too clever by half.
I am careful.
You are meticulous.
He is a control freak.
I am eccentric.
You are nuts.
He is a raving lunatic.
I am polite.
You are easily taken advantage of.
She is a door mat.
I am tired.
You are run down.
She’s gone to hell.
I am an incompetent piece of dog shit
You are a little confused
He is probably better at this than I am…
I’m assertive.
You’re a little pushy sometimes.
She’s a royal bitch.
I’m popular
You’re easy.
She gets more action than a public toilet.
I’m curvaceous.
You could stand to lose a few pounds.
He’s a freaking blimp.
I forgot to brush my teeth.
You need a breath mint.
His breath could peel paint.
I surf the Web when things get a bit slow at work.
You sure spend a lot of time online.
She doesn’t do a damn thing except read the SDMB all day.
I am open minded.
You are flexible.
He flip-flops.
I find additional wit in a subject when all others were exhausted.
You are a day late and a dollar short.
He has revived a zombie when half the original contributors have long since quit the board.