"I'm casual; you're messy; he's a slob" Game

We always use the best adjectives for ourselves, then people we know, and the worst for other people. For this game say the same thing three different ways: for myself, for you, and for him.

I’m a sexually free spirit.
You really sleep around.
He’s a total slut.

I’m a gourmand
You’re a glutton
He’s a pig

I’m a take charge type.
You’re obsessive.
He’s a control freak.

I’m charmingly eccentric.
You’re an oddball.
He’s batshit insane.

I’m self-confident.
You’re full of yourself.
He’s a narcissist.

My cats are members of the family.
Your cats are cute pets.
Everyone else’s cats are just animals they feed.

My hobby is a fascinating pursuit.
Your hobby is an endearing eccentricity.
His hobby is a baffling waste of time and money.

I’m a visionary.
You’re a dreamer.
He’s lazy.

I’m outgoing and assertive.

You’re bossy.

She’s a bitch.

The ball was knocked out of my hands.
You lost control of the ball.
What a fumble! He totally coughed it up!

Our campaign is staying “on message”.
Your campaign is simply recycling the same message from [earlier this week/last week/last month/etc.].
That other campaign is simply saying the same thing they’ve always said.

I like to hit the gas promptly when the light turns green.
He’s wasting gas with those jackrabbit starts of his.
What’s that jerkoff doing, drag racing?

I’m sexually adventurous.
You’re into [ ].
He/she’s a total [ ] freak.

Our company doesn’t have as many resources to devote to customer service as we’d like.
Your company has lousy customer service.
I can’t get through to that other company at all! They’re defrauding their customers!

My kids are high spirited.
Your kids are rambunctious.
Their kids are brats.

I’m having a good time.
You’re a bit tipsy.
He’s shitfaced.

I’m voluptuous.
You’re big boned.
He’s a fatass.


I’m svelte.
You’re skinny.
He’s emaciated.

I never throw anything away as long as it may still be useful.
Your house is a bit cluttered.
He’s worse than the Collyer brothers!

I’m buzzed
You’re drunk
He’s sh*tfaced

I’m a skeptic.
You’re closed-minded.
He’s intolerant.

I have aquiline featues.
You have a distinctive profile.
He has a big nose.

I’m engaging.
You’re talkative.
He won’t shut the fuck up.

I care about the environment.
You obsess over global warming.
He’s a tree-hugger.

I’m informed.
You’re opinionated.
He’s a loudmouth.

I enjoy academic and intellectual pursuits.
You’re a bookworm.
He’s a pussy.