Consistently misspelled, non-complex words.

What about people using infer when they mean imply, or vice versa?

Or what about when people type visa versa when they mean vice versa?

Both are correct spellings.

People writing that something “peaked” their interest…

Or “Baited” breath…

I used to play a lot of World of Warcraft, and was amazed at the number of people who ‘cued up’ or ‘got in the que’ for dungeons and raids.

Also, since my main was a Gnome Rogue, I tended to get annoyed at the people who complained about ‘all those sneaky rouges’.

I’m an auditor in a nuclear facility. Today I was auditing some purchasing files and one buyer signed off all of his emails (going back at least two years) with “Regard’s.”

These POs can be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and are issued to multinational suppliers.

I weep.

Good lord, I never realized that you “stanch” a wound. I didn’t even realize “stanch” was a word. :smack: Thanks for the heads up!

It wasn’t from Shoda’n, was it :smiley:

This maybe should have been my OP title. :smiley:

LOL. :stuck_out_tongue: Eyeronic.

I bet a lot of people who say the word “piqued” have no idea that it isn’t spelled “peaked”. :smack:

Send him an email back: “…Is what?” :confused:

I second whoever mentioned DEFIANTLY FOR DEFINITELY. This one makes me want to flip tables.

I freaking third it. It really bugs me!

“Guage” for “gauge”.

I spelled “maybe” as “mabye” until I was about 15.

I just found out that “adviser” is an acceptable alternative to “advisor”. It still looks wrong to me, though. (Maybe that’s because I learned some Latin back in high school.)

For a physics course, one of our big giant lab write-ups that was worth a huge portion of our grade was about electric impedance.

I was very proud of my report… until I got it back and saw that I had typed ***impudence ***THE ENTIRE WAY THROUGH. Circled in red EVERY, SINGLE, TIME.

I never felt so ashamed in my life. I actually went to the professor and personally apologized and swore up and down I knew the difference. She laughed, but seriously reminded me to read things out loud.

Ummm… Did it ever occur to anyone that people who write DEFIANTLY this way, might, y’know, actually know what they’re writing and MEAN it? :eek:

ETA: Electricians of the world, unite! Resist impudence! Hahahahahaha!

Hey!!! I defiantly know what I’m talking about here!!! :mad:

Even a rant in MPSIMS serves to fight ignorance! This is one of my pet peeves, as I see it so often in news articles.

Actually, what you “stanch” is something that is flowing (I think). You stanch a wound to stop the blood flow. You can stanch a flood, or you can stanch a torrent of naughty words by banning a bad poster, or you can stanch the proliferation of nuisance lawsuits, etc.

“Staunch” means “steadfast”.

ETA: In fact, some fictionaries do suggest that staunch is a valid alternate spelling for stanch. These are “descriptivist” fictionaries that describe actual usage (even wrongful usage, if it starts to get common), whereby the wrongful uses evolve into rightful usage even though wrong. That’s the problem with descriptivist fictionaries.

If the bleeding is life-threatening, and you’re dealing with a hemophiliac, I recommend a staunch stanch.

I resist your impudence!

I feel obliged to point out that “discreet” and “discrete” are both correct spellings, but for two different words. And if this OP was triggered by the current thread in GQ asking if spacetime is discrete, that’s actually the correct spelling for that context.

True but such measures are only temporary; if the wound isn’t cleaned and treated soon after, the blood, pus and bacteria will build up and one will find themselves with a staunch stanch stench.

Gawd, where to start!
