Construct: Are you for real?

Yeah, what a timesaver for the rest of us.
I guess with Trump as a model trolling is getting more sophisticated these days.

I do agree with him that Islam is a terribly insidious religion that poses a real and pernicious threat to the world, but I think even many liberals have come around to this conclusion by now.

Maybe it’s a cry for help: For God’s sake, stop me before I troll again!

Then you and they are just as ignorant as Construct is.

Ignorant of what? Of the fact that the number of verses in the Koran which preach tolerance and respect for other faiths is dwarfed by the number of verses mocking, condemning, damning, belittling, scourging, cursing, and flat out hating members of other faiths? Or the fact that reliable polling data of muslim populations, even in countries like the U.S. and the U.K. show that worryingly large percentages have extremely socially conservative beliefs and that they themselves attribute those beliefs to scripture?

There are very few good religions in the world, but we do have a lot of bad ones, and Islam is one of the worst we’ve got. It’s taken a long time, but I think liberals are finally starting to recognise that.

Too bad Haberdash took his bat and ball and went home. Something of a kindred spirit, I reckon.

Oh for fuck’s sake. There’s always one more of you mouthbreathing asshats, is there ?

Why don’t you guys enlighten us ignuhrents on the great virtues of Islam and the positive things its teachings have contributed to the world? A bullet-point list would be fine.

Good Lord, how I wish it were just one more of them at a time instead of the veritable shower.

Because stupidity and hatred focused through stupidity have never been grounds for banning. Heck, he is not even as good at hatred as several of his predecessors. His nonsense is just far enough out there that pointing at it and laughing is a good way to indicate the stupidity of slightly less extreme forms of the same nonsense.

It’s easy to make condescending comments that imply your own intellectual and moral superiority, but the thing is nobody else actually cares. I’m still waiting on that list.

And, it seems, for every mouth breathing asshat like me there’s a haughty little toad like you, desperate to equate any criticism of Islam as a religion with hate speech against Muslims as a group. Why don’t you fuck off?

Sorry to intrude on your sanctimonious little circle-jerk but if you could spare a moment between tugs to point out what was actually factually incorrect about my initial post I’m sure we’d all appreciate it.

Is it seriously your contention that the number of verses in the Koran and Hadith which condemn unbelievers is less than those which say “live and let live”? 'Cos if you want to try matching me verse for verse then this argument is over before it’s even begun.

Is it seriously your contention that well publicised opinion polls from Pew and Ipsos-Mori which show that a significant percentage of Muslims, even in countries like the U.S. and the U.K. have disturbingly socially conservative attitudes are less credible than the word of some dickhead on a message board?

And is it seriously your contention that the words in the Koran and Hadith which make virtues of those same attitudes has nothing to do with the fact that significant numbers of Muslims hold them?

'Cow those were the only three claims I made.

Yes, but the man was a Breton. They’re not REALLY white, not like say, Normans or Angevins.

Whereas Christianity of course has no links to people with disturbingly socially conservative attitudes.

Hey, if you want to start a thread ripping on Christianity (or Judaism, Mormonism, or Scientology, for that matter), I’ll jump right in. But let’s stick to one religion at a time, eh?

Says the guy hijacking a pitting.

1). Since when does defending some (note: some, not all) of the beliefs of the pittee count as a hijacking?

2). I wasn’t even the first to do it.

Yeah, Islam is terrible because it’s believers feel that non-believers should be driven out or killed, and who promote violent and barbarous behaviors…no, wait, sorry, that’s Construct I’m thinking of. It’s such fun to see someone complain about the violent behaviors of others while simultaneously advocating mass murder for those who disagree with him.

I know it’s not a 100% appropriate rule in all cases, but if an opinion, spoken to the face of the type of person it’s about, is reasonably expected to get the other party mad or worse, doesn’t it make sense to at least THINK about that opinion a little? I think that all the time, and not just on this board at all, and it really makes me wonder about some people.