Cool Screen Names, Part MMXCLV

New or old. 1 post or 10,000. What are your favorite screen names?

Here are some of mine:

donkeyoatey (Clever spoof.)

Sue Duhnym (It took me WAY to long to get this one.)

dustMagnate (Another clever spoof.)

Saphire Bullet (Cool TMBG reference that I just recently got.)

Doubleclick (I think it reflects our cyber-culture.)

Jane D’oh! (heheh)

vivalostwages (Elvis, yeah!)

AHEM, too long…

too, too, TOO!

Demo Need I say more?

Thanks, Demo. These always make me smile:


I used to think Democritus was a really good one. But this new Demo guy… dunno 'bout him. :wink:

HomeSlice makes me smile, because that’s what I call one of my best friends out here.

Damn right! And which newbie named him?! Who was it again?! Hmmmm? Oh right, it was MERC.
[sub]::lets go of some anger brought upon by the “He’s slythe, damnit” bashers::

Just saw a new one… Rube E. Tewzday (I think I spelled it right…)