Coolest fictional sidekicks

I’m not talking about Riggs or Murtaugh, Jules or Vince, or Bill or Ted - those guys were partners. I want sidekicks. You know…Robin.

I’m thinking of this because I just caught The Untouchables on TV, and was reminded of how cool Andy Garcia’s character (Stone) was. Remember the train station scene? Where Stone is on his back, upside down, holding the stroller steady with one hand and with the other, he’s aiming at the bad guy, who’s using the informant for a shield?

Ness: “You got him?”
Stone: “Yeah, I got him.”

Ness then lowers his gun and Stone plugs the guy between the eyes. I thought, in the extremely unlikely event I’m ever in a full-scale war with organized crime, I want a guy like that to have my back.

Any others? Who are your favorite sidekicks in literature/film/TV?

Some will argue that he wasn’t really a sidekick, but I’ll nominate Archie Goodwin.

In the mystery genre. there are too many sidekicks like Dr. Watson and Captain Hastings, whose only job is to act awed by their friends’ brilliance.

Archie is smart and capable in his own right, and enjoys tweaking his boss’ sensibilities. That made him a rarity in his genre, and a perfect narrator, as well.

Short Round in The Temple of Doom.

Goose, the epitome of a wingman.

Kip from Futurama, just because he makes Zapp so funny. “Oh Kip, I see you’re crying…like a woman”

Jimmy Olsen.

Dammit Sitnam you stole mine. Short Round was the first one I thought of.

Ron Stoppable

Tonto (tracking, riding, grunting ‘Kemo Sabe’, representing ethnic diversity - he had it all!)

Captain Haddock. Accident-prone, alcoholic, foul-mouthed and with serious anger management issues {they don’t write kids’ stories like they used to}, but damned if you wouldn’t want him in your corner when the shooting started, particularly if his whiskey bottle had been shattered in the first salvo: “Bashi-Bazouks! Troglodytes! Billions of blistering bilious blue barnacles in ten thousand thundering typhoons!”

Legolas and Gimli. But especially Legolas.

I always liked Gray Mouser. Both he and 7-foot Fafhrd are thieves and scoundrels, but the small yet able Mouser always seemed to sort of complement Fafhrd.

Ryo-Ohki, darn it. Cute, fuzzy, friendly, capable of planetary scale devastation and faster than light travel in comfort.

And clearly, Fafhrd is the sidekick.

Loiosh the jhereg from Steven Brust’s Vlad Taltos books. Kragar, the same series.

Boo the miniature Giant Space Hamster from the Bladur’s Gate PC games. “Go for the eyes Boo ! Go for the eyes ! SQEEEE !”

The Stainless Steel Rat’s family, from the series of the same name.

Alex Kilgour from the Sten series. Assassin, heavyworlder and mad bomber.

Brandark from David Weber’s Bahzell books.

Zoe and Jayne can kick my side anytime.

Wait…that came out wrong…


People, people, people…

I don’t know why the Green Hornet even bothered to get dressed. Just send Kato and watch the villains disappear.

Alex Kilgour from the Sten books. Strong, loyal, and only Alex could stretch the spotted snake joke over 5 books. And live.

In my fantasies, Ron totally gets to hit that.

Somebody beat me to mentioning Ron Stoppable. Boo-yah!

I think he does, but Disney Channel isn’t allowed to show that. Kim’s always getting interrupted every time she tries to kiss him!

Blind Seer from Jane Lindskold’s Firekeeper books

Ivan Vorpatril from Lois McMaster Bujold’s Vorkosigan books

Nuriko, from the anime Fushigi Yuugi

I want to say Alphonse from the anime Patlabor, but I can’t quite make it stick, even in my mind. :smiley:

Nuriko rules! I wish I knew how to do spoilers, so I could discuss what happens to this character (notice the lack of gender pronouns.)

In Ranma 1/2, do Ukyo and Ryoga count as sidekicks? I know they’re rivals to Akane and Ranma, respectively, but they still fight alongside them when the situation warrants it.

I want to throw in a few Sailor Senshi, particularly Sailor Mars. But something tells me she’s not entirely happy with her status as a sidekick…

Just preface the part you want to hide with the word spoiler inside brackets [like this], and then end with /spoiler also inside brackets.