Could this film director be a bigger idiot?

At first I felt sorry for him …

Brown Bunny’ boos may drive director out of moviemaking - Gallo was booed at Cannes event

Until I read excerpts from an interview he had done at Cannes -

Bad boy Vincent treats festival to Gallo humour

I’m not going to quote from this interview. It has to be read in full to be believed.
I’m not familar with his work except for “Buffalo 66” which was sort of amusing in a really creepy and depressing way. Is this guy so insanely talented he can afford to behave like this or is he just a lightweight with an extraordinary degree of self regard.

Well, I can think of one still bigger idiot – Chloe Sevigny. What was she thinking?!?

What a jerk.

Roger Ebert calls it “The worst film in the history of the festival.”

So, obviously he wasn’t acting in Buffalo 66! He and Michael Moore should do a film together.

You got it, Vince. You’re a beacon to humanity, holding your lantern of enlightenment out to draw us from the swamps of our inconsequential existence.

And that hideous metaphor is still better than the Brown Bunny.

Wow. He seems like a 100% nutjob. I’m almost interested to see this thing, it looks so awful… then again, maybe not.


MM’s made a bit of an ass out himself of late. There was an incident at a bookstore signing, and then there’s the angry outburst he made at the Oscars about the war, and a few other things that slip my mind at the moment. If you do a search on his name, you’ll come up with a boatload of threads about his recent antics.

i never liked him til i saw buffalo 66 . this kinda make me want to see the film he’s a nutjob allright , but he’s a cool nutjob in my book. i wouldn’t mind meeeting the fellow.

IMDb currently ranks it 0.1 worse then Manos, Hands of Fate. Of course that’s with only 13 votes.

Umm… one thing I didn’t quite grasp until I read some of the responses to this thread and looked up more links for this film, is that I’m getting the impression that Chloe Sevigny gave him an explicit, for real, on screen, blow job. This isn’t true is it? I mean she’s not quite a top “A” list actress, but IIRC she’s been in some fairly meaty, mainstream roles in major motion pictures. I mean there’s a limit to how well you can fake something isn’t there? Has any doper seen this film that can comment on the fake/no fake aspect.

The first link seems to take it for granted but the second seems like he’s playing a little cute with it, ie "Thank you for wondering if it was real or not. You must have been impressed.”

HOW DOES HE DO IT? Vincent Gallo gets oral sex from Chloe Sevigny… on film!

Film scandal over graphic sex scene

Worse than Manos?!?! Wow-that must be a REALLY sucky movie!

Hee hee! “sucky movie.” Yep:)

there’s the angry outburst he made at the Oscars about the war, and a few other things that slip my mind at the moment.


For whatever it’s worth, what he said at the Oscars was a planned speech. He delivered almost identical comments at other awards shows. He’s doing his thing. I mean, I’m not saying you have to like it of course.

Heh, not to count myself in this number, I’m sure any number of our posters here would embarrass themselves by making an awful movie if they could use it as an excuse to get a blowjob from Chloe Sevigny. :wink:


You might want to read his take on “fat, cheap Jews” and how reheads and blacks people must be attracted to each other beause they “smell compatible” etc. and re-think that. This guy is a piece of work! : vincent gallo’s musical history

Michael Moore’s been disagreeing with the US President lately, which is against the law or something over there. :rolleyes:

Technically speaking, it’s only against the law if the President is Republican. If the President is a Democrat then it is the mandatory duty of every citizen to villify him. :smiley:

Michael Moore’s been disagreeing with the US President lately, which is against the law or something over there. :rolleyes: **
I don’t give a rat’s ass if he agrees with the President or not (I didn’t vote for the Shrub in '00 and ain’t gonna vote for him in '04), what he did was in poor taste, as evidenced by the reactions of the other celebrities at the Oscars, many of whom opposed the war in Iraq.

So has Gallo passed Crispin Glover on The Wacko Actor scale? He sounds like he’s headed for Klaus Kinski territory.