Could you give up the SDMB?

I spend far too much time on here. Often I spend hours reading all the different threads when I could be doing more productive things. But there’s always something interesting to read here, dammit!

I don’t know if I have the self-control to just quit cold turkey, do you?

I could quit, and probably will for the usual reason: having it open on my left-hand screen is an endless distraction from the paying/productive content on the other two screens. I am one of those who works bests in short bursts, with stops for mental diversion, and SDMB is just too damned good; I can’t keep my diversions short and infrequent enough.

I have a massive, expensive and critical project that is behind schedule, in part due to exactly what I’m doing right now. Damn all you interesting people to AOL!

LeechBlock is my lifesaver for this - not for the SDMB, but for another site that’s a huge timesuck for me.

As for me, I could easily give up the SDMB - I’ve been gone for months at a time in the past without even realizing it.

But seriously, a LOT of self-control. But I could. . . yeah . . .that’s it. I can quit anytime I want, see?

I give it up all the time. Every so often, the selection of threads bore me, so I stop coming. I’ll poke back in every couple weeks, see if there’s anything of interest, and if so, I’ll post. Otherwise I’ll stay away for a while longer.

So if it shut down, or if someone put a gun to my head and told me to quit, I’d have no real problem. That being said, I do enjoy this place, and when it’s hopping, it’s often my favorite place on the Intertubes.

Yes. I can often go for weeks without checking in.

I could, but I like it here and don’t really want to stop. When it went pay-to-post, I paid.

I’ve gone a month or two at a time without checking in, though, when I’m really busy or all the threads seem to be about stuff that doesn’t interest me. If the SDMB disappeared suddenly, I’d learn to live without it, but I would certainly miss it.

My post per day average used to be around 13 PPD during the first few years of my membership. It’s since dropped to 3.75 and steadily ticks lower. It’s pretty much just inertia that keeps me active here.

Easiest thing in the world. I’ve given it up several times a day for the past 14 years.

I already did. But then I came back. So, no?

I’ve taken several sabbaticals of several years duration, so sure.

I took a break of some very large number of years for no particular reason, and I imagine I could do it again.

The longest I’ve ever been able to go is 3 months. I actually once bought a program that locked me out of it and had my husband make up the password. That was at a time where it really wasn’t healthy for me, both because I took everything personally and because I was using it as a substitute for real life social interaction.

So, no. It appears that I’m pretty addicted.

It’s easy to leave, I’ve left hundreds of times.

It seems to be going downhill quality wise so one day I’ll just quit showing up.

Only if something fundamental changed. If it stays relatively as is, and the members continue to be interesting, I would struggle to leave. It’s where I spend most of my free time each day.

nm - lone cashew got there first

Did that already. It didn’t take.

I’ll quit when everybody else quits. Or the Singularity happens.

I check in pretty much every day. It would be sad if SDMB went away but life would go on.