
Sexual relations.

Um, scat?

I used to associate this word with the type of singing Ella Fitzgerald was known for.

No longer.

Now I call what Ella does “freestyle jazz improv” in order to avoice having to use the BRAIN BLEACH.

I think there should be a word for words that the Internet has changed for you.

Cinammon ring?

Last night, on the way home from church, my daughter and I hear a new group on the radio: Morningwood. I got it after a minute; she didn’t. I was thankful. She said “There’s always Google, Dad.”


I’d never even heard this before now. But already I need the bleach.

“After the debate, the two presidential candidates engaged in social intercourse…”

I pictured Moe, Larry, and Curly.

Am I really the only one who pictured the dessert?

This says something about me, I’m sure.

**5 perfectly legitimate concepts that are are hard to research on the internet:

  1. Amateurs of any kind

  2. Teens doing anything

  3. Shaving

  4. Anything pink

  5. Spring break

I feel particularly sorry for well-intentioned teenagers who want real advice about sex. There is no search containing the words “teen” and “sex” that will yield anything except barely legal hardcore.

(And if you’re a high-schooler trying to do a serious term paper on “dong-thirsty dildo dolls,” you might as well forget it.)

There was a story a few years ago about a grade school girl doing a paper on horse. You don’t want to know what she found when she Googled “horses”.

Mom tells her daughter about a UPS man delivering the Shopsmith Mk V she’d bought Dad for Christmas:

“I tell you, it took some pushing to get that big tool into my back door!”

Dutch Oven.

Not true. The search facts teen sex yields several good pages, actually.

(Just to prove I don’t have a completely squeaky-clean mind, which would never let me fit in around here):

The first Google result for “pearl necklace” isn’t about jewelry. :eek:

Well, I first thought, “What is this nonsensical word?” Then I thought, “Oh, (s)he must mean cream pie.” Yum.

I’m not going to google this “creampie” thing. Nope. Don’t even wanna know. I do, however, know what the pearls are for.

Sequential thread titles:

My Coworkers Boobs


Well, sure-- if you want to let the truth get in the way of a good argument.

There was me, thinking I knew everything. :confused:

Reach around. As in, “can you reach around me?”