
One person gives a topic like: Flowers. Then the teemings make up a joke:

A flower walks into the bar and the bartender says “We don’t serve your kind here!” so the flower takes out it’s pistils and shoots him. Bud-um-bump.

Please post all topic suggestions in Bold/Italics. I’ll go first:


This was originally an ethnic slur against myself, but since everyone hates criminals, I will mock them instead.

"So there’s this guy, really hates criminals. Ever time he’s out driving in his car and he sees a criminal, he runs them over. One day, he was driving his pastor to church, when he sees a criminal crossing the street. He swerves to hit him… then swerves away abruptly at the last minute when he remembers the pastor. He swerves to the left, and even though he thinks he missed the criminal, he hears a loud THUMP anyway. He turns to the pastor with a horrorfied look on his face, but before he can explain, the pastor interrupts him:

It’s okay, son, I got him with the car door"

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Why do male dogs lick themselves?

Because they can’t make a fist.

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How do you get a nun pregnant?

Fuck her
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Golfer A to Golfer B: "Just got a new set of clubs for my wife. Great trade. "

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What happens to a fly after sitting on a toilet seat for a while? It gets pissed off.

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goose walks into a room. everyone yells “DUCK”. goose starts to tell them it’s NOT a duck, when a baseball hits it in the neck.

next: computers

A single PC walks into a bar and sits down. A guy walks up to it and asks “Can I buy you a drink?” Computer replies “I’ll Byte”.


A little boy asks his mom “When we die, do we go to heaven feet first?”

The mom replies, “No, why do you ask???”

Boy “Because Daddy is in the bedroom, lying on top of the maid with her feet in the air, and she’s screaming 'Oh God, I’m coming!”




Did you hear about the cow who couldn’t give milk?
She was an udder failure.

The Spice Girls

I think the Spice Girls are a joke.