Critter Cam out back.

Cool pix. I want to get one. Blackjack is always telling me there’s something out there at night. We do have deer and plenty of other critters.

They are a lot of fun and it gets more critters moving through which gives your dog some excitement and things to chase.

12 more CC pictures this AM

We have a deer/turkey feeding station in our yard, but what I’d like to get pics of are the coyotes that we occasionally hear at night.

I have a lot of coyote pictures in earlier albums that I made when we lived down on Petit jean Mountain.

I had to remove some albums as I was running out of space.

I really need to collect the better pictures and put in one album but going through 40+ albums of 200 to 500 pictures is a PITA… LOL

Did the coyotes just walk by on a trail, or were they feeding? We put out shelled corn for deer/turkeys/bluejays/crows. What would coyote like (other than our chickens)?

Down on the mountain I used everything & put it on a chunk of roofing metal:
Sunflower seeds, dry dog & cat food small or large doggie bones depending on what I had, deer corn, table scraps, water bowl.

I think the raccoons used the water bowl for food cleaning more than any drinking by other critters.

Coyotes do dog food really well, they don’t have to chase & kill it. LOL Also love sunflower seeds.

I am sure there was other stuff on occasion but I forget.

I did put some hay down when really cold for the critters to have a dry place to stand or rest and the deer would also eat some of it. 1/4 bale would make a nice area and last pretty good.

Not really a big investment compared to the fun I was having.

What started all this was one evening the wife & I were sitting on the front porch talking a few weeks after we saw a big fox out the computer room window. so, there suddenly was a fox sitting about 50 feet away that just appeared. We kept talking and tried to not look directly at it. Soon another appeared. They stayed until it was getting dark and they suddenly disappeared. This happened several more times and I put some sunflower seed & dry cat food in little dishes as a test. They came back, the birds also liked it but we had many bird feeders so ground feeding was new, except in the snow I would also ground feed.

Anyway, I looked at trail cameras because trying to move around for camera shots was not getting it.

Rest is history.

I have a picture of one of our cats laying about 10 feet from fox just watching them eat and not seeming to care that he was there.

Reminds me, need to go dump water from deer pan and check camera.

Rained here. Will try to gather some good pictures from over the years for viewing…

U Tube videos just processed from last 2 days.

14 new still shots.

37 random CritterCam shots from the past:


So Zeus & I get in the Subaru and I discover the leash is in the Blazer, back up and get out ( Zeus gets out so I don’t get away ) get the leash and then load back up and off we go. Get to the Prairie Grove Carquest store and go visit a bit. Then I tell him to stay and Karen C says she will help him stay so after a few “stay” commands with hand signs I go out to get a sample bolt from the other side and as I go back in, Zeus is whimpering. He stayed and behaved but he was not happy that I went out without him. Larry C gave him so treats and Zeus thanked him by slobbering on a customer stool. ( I wiped it off as we left ) Then we walked the shady side of the street and he was a good boy, got to get a reading on many things he smelled. Hopped back in the Subie and came home. Colleen had fixed a great place for him to lay while he does his ‘guard duty’ at night. It is a shame he can’t go in Dr offices and grocery stores, he would get to go along a lot more. Won’t chance leaving him in the parking lot as the general public has no idea when a dog is not in distress. I don’t need to be arrested, with broken windows and a terrified dog from needless saving. You would think country folks would know better. Park in the shade, 66F outside with all the windows down 3 inches. Doggie needs saving! Doggie needs saving! Doggie needs saving! Doggie needs saving! Doggie needs saving! Doggie needs saving! Makes me more & more convinced that there are too many stupid peeps out there.

I told him to wait, I wanted a picture. It was hard to get, must have spent 3 minutes messing around. He waited like a good boy.

When I said “Okay” ice cream disappeared in large clumps. Took him about 35 seconds to have the bowl licked clean.

I think he was planning his strategy while he waited. There was no wasted motion. It was a thing of beauty to see.

Saw this today, not a critter but what a critter. Wish I had built it.

Oh My !!!

Had not checked the CritterCam camera for a few days.
There were 525 pictures. I have it set for 3 at a time so I have the best chance of a good picture.

I culled it down to 35 pictures.

New pictures start here.

Got through (note the spelling, children!) the first 28 - after that… TL;DR

Ever get any bucks at the feeder?

All I saw were does and young,

Inspired by this thread, I finally got around to setting up our critter cam. We live in town, but on the very edge, with a field behind us. We look after a lot of stray/feral cats, trying to get them adoptable, and I’ve seen various other small mammals, plus a deer or two (although there’s enough country around to hold the deer and coyotes so they don’t tend to venture into town), so I thought, hey, let’s see what shows up.

Turns out we have a really, really boring back yard. So far we’ve captured two of our temporary cats, some raccoon, me emptying the kitty litter in pants that make my butt look big, a squirrel, and some unidentifiable blur that isn’t large enough to be any interesting kind of cryptid (it’s probably a possum).

I’m thinking of turning the camera towards the field, which is something I hadn’t done before because the field isn’t our property, but it would actually only reach to the edge of the field, and probably no one would care. (The field isn’t privately owned; it belongs to the village and is leased to a local farmer who has already harvested this year’s cockleburrs, and also I’ve learned apparently everybody in this county has a critter cam, either for deer hunting purposes or to capture photos of raccoon and small blurry mammals.)

Starting at the link, moving to the right or towards the pictures just added, the 2nd & 3d picture are bucks and only 37 pictures to go through with the last two being better pictures of those two.

Plus there was a spike buck and another buck in there.

Sorry if you backed up or went to the start of the whole album and were disappointed. The last pictures are to the right in the album. Takes too many albums to make a new one for each day and SDMB won’t let me hot link or post even single picture links so you can go to a single image only.

they’re also incredibly stupid, incredibly destructive, and flippin’ everywhere.

Good eating too.