Crossovers you'd like to see

They’re a favorite of fanfic: Dr. Who meets Star Trek, Superman meets GenX, etc. So what fictional crossovers would you like to see? (Can be movies, novels, TV, comics, whatever.) Although the “who would beat who in a fight” has been done to death, so let’s try to keep that to a minimum.

For some reason, I keep speculating on a “Battlestar Galactica meet ST:Voyager” scenerio, although I know to some this is like speculating about what liver would taste like basted with prune juice. :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate to admit this, but I have plotted out a fan-fic featuring the family from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the Merrye clan from Spider Baby. The story involved catering a wedding between Leatherface and Virginia Merrye (He’s a cannibal, she eats spiders and possibly humans).

I’m a sick bastard, but at least I never wrote it.

Narnia & Harry Potter

Encyclopedia Brown & The Great Brain

ER & Scrubs, (but only if they bring Benton & Ross back!:stuck_out_tongue: )

I’d like to see a Battlestar Galactica (TV show) meets the Liaden Universe (novels). This is not an “I always wanted to see this” type of crossover, it just came to mind now. Battlestar Galactica was a favorite SF crossover player for me, as they were searching for Earth, and so many other SF worlds have Earth-origin characters exploring space. I remember creating BG crossovers with Star Trek, Buck Rogers, Flinx (the Alan Dean Foster series) and H. Beam Piper’s Fuzzies.

Another one was Anne McCaffrey’s Pern novels, which got crossed with Star Trek, Christopher Stasheff’s Warlock series, and McCaffrey’s Talents novels.

Lloyd Alexander’s Taran novels (especially The Black Cauldron) got crossed over with Katherine Kurtz’s Deryni novels.

And…a long, long time ago, The Bobbsey Twins got crossed over the the Melendy family (I don’t remember the authors for either one).

As for strict TV show crossovers, I’d like to see The Pretender and Early Edition, or The Pretender and Strange Luck, or Strange Luck and Early Edition, or all three together. Oh, and Highlander: the Series with Forever Knight.

Scrubs & MAS*H (Dr. Cox vs. Hawkeye, battle of the smartass doctors, sorry couldn’t resist)

Conan in the world of Xena & Hercules.

Derrick Flint meets Austin Powers.

Farscape meets Babylon 5. John Crichton: “A wormhole? Hell, give me a few minutes I’ll show you how to make your own! Just make sure Scorpius isn’t watching.”

The League of Extrordinary Gentlemen meets the Secret Adventures of Jules Verne crowd.

The Prisoner meets The Pretender. If the whole world is The Village at the end of The Prisoner, then you could see why Number Six might want to help Jarod.

The Simpsons and Fraiser is such a obvious one. I can just image a scene where Martin is watching The Simpsons episode “Brother from a Different Series,” and Niles says “You know you’re right. Well, if anyone asks…I’ll lie” at the right time.

The crew of Star Trek meets Cthulhu. The thought of Kirk uttering the melodramatic dialogue Lovecraft used when his professors were going insane would be just sick.

No, no, no…it’s all about Star Wars meets Star Trek meets Babylon 5. Would a White Star take out an Imperial fighter? (Duh, yes.) Would the Enterprise be able to take out the Death Star? Would the Shadows give the Borg a good spanking?

Let me suggest a natural pair.

The Phantom, the Ghost who walks. meets Tarzan Lord of the Apes.

I’d like to see Sam Gerard’s team from “The Fugitive” hunting Hannibal Lecter.

Star Trek meets “My Little Pony” would be interesting, if only to see how they do it.

I’ve always wanted to see the Highlander and/or Forever Knight crew be investigated by Mulder & Scully… Inspired by one of my favorite sig files from back when they were called taglines:

“Freeze! Mulder, FBI! Drop the sword MacLeod, I have a few questions…”

Dukes of Hazard in the Mad Max universe. Give the Duke boys some place where they can really let loose and kick some ass.

The Tick and the Marines from Aliens: “Game over, man, Game over!. We’re really screwed now!” “We’re not screwed till the fat lady screws, Hudson. Justice will not be screwed by the overweight thighs of alien evil! SPOON!”

Triple crossover: After agent Ethan Hunt is killed by agents from Spectre, the Mission Impossible organization is forced to activate it’s last resort, The A-Team. Bonus: B.A. Barabus wrestles a tiger shark with a laser on its head.

Jesse Ventura’s character from Predator telling the Doctor from Voyager, “I don’t got time to bleed” as he cuts down dozens of Borg with a pair of Gatling guns would be cool too.

Blacula in anywhere, just for the hell of it.

Snatch meets Star Trek, just to see the faces of Picard/Kirk and crew at meeting that bunch.

Or, Khan in [B5]. He’d be a lot of fun.

SG-1 and Sliders.

Godzilla and ** X-Files**. It would be a very short episode. :slight_smile:

I really need to work on my coding :putz

Harry Potter meets H.P. Lovecraft.

Harry & friends find an ancient book of spells (bound in human skin, natch) hidden in the Hogwarts dungeons. Hermione, getting ahead of herself, accidentally summons Cthulhu, while Ron, possesed by an unnamable, unspeakable, lurking horror, slowly goes mad.

Actually, the whole “Hogwarts can’t be mapped” thing fits in pretty nicely with the non-euclidean geometry of R’lyeh. Hmmmm.

Also, I’ve always wanted to see a “Touched by an Angel”/“Night of the Living Dead” crossover. Let’s put those angels up against something a little more sinister than a 43 year old housewife with a crisis of faith.

Jesus vs. Teletubbies.

Godzilla vs. Transformers

For some reason, when I skimmed this post, I read it as a crossover between The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Spiderman. Now that would be interesting.

“Tonight the dog from ‘Fraiser’ is going to ride the dolphin from ‘Seaquest.’”

A Glen A. Larson 3-way crossover comes to mind.

Six Million Dollar Man/Bionic Woman
Knight Rider
The A Team

How about this idea for a crossover fanfic:

An extra-dimensional passageway links the Bajoran wormhole
to a jump-gate, linking Babylon-5 to Deep Space 9.

Jake Sisko travels to B5 as a journalist in order to bring news of this alternate reality to the people of the Federation.

You know what this story would be called, right?

Call it…

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