Crysis 1 on consoles...

Crysis 1 has made it on to consoles.

It doesn’t look half as good as a mid range gaming PC would render it, and there have been other changes (less AI, areas split into cells, no multi-player, etc) in order to fit the game on the consoles, but overall it doesn’t look too bad.

The asking price is a little much, IMHO: $20 for a 4 year old game, who’s better version can be picked up for $2.50 (PC).

But here’s the kicker:

The game comes with always on DRM.

That’s right, the console version has Ubisoft-like DRM the likes of which the PC version never got. You need to stay connected online, or the game will kick you off.

How do you console gamers feel about that?

I think it spells trouble for next gen, unless no one buys the game.

These solutions are becoming a pain on the PC. First ubisoft, now Diablo 3. Looks like the consoles might be next.

Kill it now console gamers! Kill it with fire!

Crysis 2 already came out. I don’t see what the big deal is.

I never have my Xbox connected to the internet, so I’d never buy that game.

Additionally, when I get on my Xbox, it logs onto Live. Still no problem here.

So it’s ok with you if next gen single players games start requiring you to stay connected online with your console?

It’s a weird attitude, I guess.

Even people with the best internet ISP’s occasionally lose connection or quality of service for a bit. Enough for games like this to disconnect and make you lose progress.

Ah, schadenfreude. Cool story, unfortunately it’s not entirely true.

Ahh, that changes things.

I don’t play the single player parts of the game anymore. I realize I’m the freak, but I just play the multiplayer.