I could swear that growing up, we always called it Cup **O’**Noodles. Now at the store, I find only something called Cup Noodles.
Is it the same thing? When did it change?
I could swear that growing up, we always called it Cup **O’**Noodles. Now at the store, I find only something called Cup Noodles.
Is it the same thing? When did it change?
Looks like the same, but no mention that I saw of when or if a name change occurred. I remember “Cup O’ Noodles,” but I never actually ATE any until I was much older - in my 20s, which would be mid-1990s. So maybe I only THINK it was O’ Noodles.
According to this timeline, the name was changed in 1993.
Well, there you go…
So how many people still refer to it as “Cup O’Noodles”? If it’s a significant number, I think Nissin made a mistake in changing the name.
Whatever it’s called don’t eat it. You don’t need all that sodium.
Fun fact: Cup Noodles or another brand will be your snack on some Transpacific flights to Asia.