Curious Man totally owned by colander!!!

The thread was closed, but shitstain Curious Man, who sooo wants some of that Caucasian pussy was totally owned by colander here.. The thread was closed, but good on colander.

Well, but really, low-hanging fruit, you know?

Yes, but if you snag the low hanging fruit with style, it should be acknowledged.

I’ve been crushing on colander since she showed up. He showed up. Whatever. Pretty sure** colander** holds me in utter contempt, but I’m also pretty sure colander holds everyone in utter contempt. That’s so hot.

Didn’t realize until I opened the thread that Curious Man and colander are people (or, at least they are users of SDMB). That is a very weird thread title until you realize that!! :eek:


It made me imagine some guy somehow getting his face stuck in a colander and staggering around clawing at it.

Me too, I was expecting a youtube video and wondering why the thread was in the pit.

If Curious Man happens by, I’d love to ask why he said

Here. Without properly attributing the quote to the movie he plagiarized it from.. :dubious:

Kinda what happened…

  • a gazillion times a gazillion

I can’t quite get a handle on what that thread was about, but now I really want a radio controlled mini helicopter.

Covered in line-dried cheese jerky.

I daresay that’ll upset its thrust-to-weight ratio.

Put it beyond tolerance.

Lactose tolerance.

Ditto! I thought that Curious Man must be some youtube character and that somehow he was baffled and dominated by a pasta strainer.

ETA: That really was a fantastic post in the other thread, colander!

I am kind of surprised I got away with that.

Difficult to moderate when your laughing out loud, I’d guess.

In black-and-white, right? You write informercials for a living, don’t you?

In India, low hanging fruit snags YOU!

I died a little on the inside when you responded to his outraged litany with “Hey, it’s fine if she’s a little meaty!”