Current Status of SDMB Upgrade

Ah, thank you TubaDiva, bad timing on my part makes sense. Cheers.

Progress seems to be achingly slow. I’m somewhat anxious and disappointed.

Another update would be nice, the last update to the op was 09-12-2008 at 04:04 PM.

FYI, I’m still show as a Member instead of Charter Member.

What functionality is missing? We all use the board in different ways … so there be some blind spots I’m not noticing.

EDIT: :smack: forgot about Quick Reply … but that doesn’t affect the board experience for me overmuch. More of a “nice to have” than a “have to have”.

In addition to the Quick Reply box, I still can’t seem to use the Thread Tools dropdown. I normally only post to about half the threads I read, so being able to subscribe without posting is a huge plus for me.

You can subscribe/unsubscribe to threads now at the bottom of the page. There is a new heading down there called “thread tools”.

Sweet, thanks much. I thought it was a bug that instead of a dropdown it just scrolled down to the bottom of the page. As Microsoft would say, that’s a feature, not a bug.

There is something I wondered although it doesn’t affect me personally.

What is the current status of the Guests?
They are still called “Guest” but I don’t know what they can or can’t do at the moment. Many old posters returned but the registration agreement still refers to the old 30-day-trial deal.

To put it differently, will anybody’s membership still expire or is that already a thing of the past?

The difference between a Member and a Guest is that Members do not see display ads. That’s what subscription buys you these days.

Guests can post and search and etc. just like Members do but their experience includes display ads.

Charter Members are just like Members except that they pay less for the privilege of not seeing display ads; back a few years ago we were actively soliciting subscriptions and made all our people then a heck of an offer.

Due respect, but while your statement is literally true, I don’t think it conveys the meaning of charter membership, at least from this member’s perspective.

It wasn’t just that you offered a great deal and we grabbed it while we could. It was that you and we together went out on a limb to try an experiment to help the board survive. No one knew at that time whether pay to post would work at all or, for that matter, whether the board would be around much longer.

Granted, we paid less than those who followed, but we were the ones who stepped up in order to express our faith in you and the Chicago Reader. There had been many offers of help of every kind, from free coding to donations, but for business reasons those were rejected. So when there came a time when we could put our money where our mouth was, we did.

That’s why we’re Charter Members, and with the greatest respect, I would ask you to remember and recognize what we did and why we did it, rather than just toss us off as members who got off on the cheap.

Fair enough.

However, I would think that there’s a chance that a newcomer to the forum, unaccustomed to a somewhat unintuitive workaround, could get frustrated and become disinclined to come back…meaning of course that said newbie wouldn’t be served the ads that are at the heart of the new business plan…

EDITED TO ADD: I see that some don’t think of it as a problem at all. Whatever.

On an unrelated note, any chance we could get the spiffy new (to here) push-button spoiler boxes (that many other current vBulletin forums are using)?

Example here.

Do you have an example that’s open-access? That link brings up a “you must be a registered member to see this page” message.

Here’s an example from my board. That’s Invision software and not vBulletin, but the concept and results are the same–even if they don’t look exactly the same on each board.

What RobuSensei is talking about is a custom tag using javascript; it’s not part of the upgrade. Personally, I think it’s something worth looking into, but that’s just my opinion as a poster.

Ah, I see.

No biggie to me either way. What we have works, but isn’t quite as shiny cool. You can play some interesting games with our current spoiler tags, though.

It’s an interesting effect when you hide most of the spoiler text, but certain words still show through. Or when you can just barely see part of it, if you look closely.

Maybe it would remove some objections if the text “Spoiler:” at the top of the spoiler box said “Spoiler (highlight to read)” or something similar.

My objection to the current spoiler boxes is that it hurts my eyes to read light text on a dark background.

Oops! Sorry:smack:

Anyway, it works just like the ones on Skip’s board. The vBull hack has a “show/hide” button just above the box, instead of a text link. If you want to see, I think this example is in the JREF public forums.

And actually, this isn’t a big deal for me, I was just curious about if we could get it. I’m still cool with the old-style highlight to read boxes. There was a thread a long while back where people used yellow text in the spoiler box to make Q&D Star Wars opening crawls…

I still would like to see the “view new posts” timer set to more than zero, by the way.

I’ve got a question…

I understand that some functionality is removed or reduced during this transition. For example, I can only see the most recent 200 threads, and search doesn’t work.

How then, are older threads popping up with new replies? Just now I saw a thread in Cafe Society about the Economics of Star Trek, which had been dormant since August 26th (long before the ‘most recent 200’) and suddenly there were new replies, as of this morning.

How are users seeing these older threads? Can I adjust a setting somewhere, so that I can see them too?


The SDMB is now open to outside search engines, so you can search even though you can’t use vBulletin’s search function.

For a good example, use Google to search for “Gaudere’s Law.” Wikipedia comes up first, followed by a link to the thread in which Gaudere’s Law got its name.

It’s not open yet.

Which explicitly disallows all search engines. That thread comes up because someone else on the internet linked to it. But you can see that Google didn’t actually download the page.