Daily show and Mike Brown e-mails...

OK- Tell me it was just "f-ing off’ as they say in the US a couple days ago when John Stewat on the daily show had Micheal Brown (guy in charge of disasters, as near asI can tell, totally f’ed up lost his job accordinglty.) At any rate, though showed some e-mai;s about the guy going out for a meal in Batom Rouge. f this is true, I am amazed.

I’m amazed too. Probably not for the same reason.

The Washington Post discussed a bunch of embarrassing e-mails to from and about Brownie on the front page last week. I suspect they were made part of congressional testimony.

That being the case, I suppose the things shown on the show were real. If that was your question.

Stewart usually makes it pretty clear when their stuff is made up or for real; these were for real.

I know the first two emails were true (the ones where the FEMA in NO guy emails Brown that the situation is dire, then the assistant replies back that Brown needs time to find a place, get wait service, eat, etc). I’ve seen those cited on legitimate news sources.

Beyond those two, I’m not sure.

All real.

Well, besides “ROTFL TYCITH.”