Dale the Bold, did your mother have any kids that lived?

Hey. You. Dale the Bold. C’mere.

Over in GD, in the “Feminization of America” thread, you had this to say:

Mr. The Bold, you may kiss my long-haired, earring-wearing, cooking-and-cleaning, sensitive, fence-riding, “hybrid” ass.

What, you think I’m not masculine because I don’t beat my kids and wear a goddamn mullet? Because I don’t wear a Sergeant Carter fucking buzzcut? Because I care about other people? Because I don’t fart in public and I keep my beard trimmed? Tell me, in what ways am I not masculine enough for you?

Lick my bag, choad. And then go back to your one-handed typing and your fantasies of virile men.

I give your rant a 3 out of 10 mainly for your use of the phrase “lick my bag, choad.” I can see the anger but there’s no real focus and you’re not shining through. Give it another try because I see real potential here.


Hmm, let’s see here…

Facial hair…welllll, check, I guess. It never goes beyond stubble, and nowhere near a full moustache and beard, which would get my ass executed in Afghanistan from what I hear. But it’s not like I can forego shaving, so I’m going to count this as a check after all.

Farting…yeah, I do that on occasion. I think the last time I found it funny was actually before I ever had facial, much less body, hair, so I’m not sure if that interferes with the check or not. But I’m going to check it anyway.

Likes to shoot at things…welll, again yes, but I’m considering. Non-living things, at least. Plinking at tin cans lined up before a good backstop is great fun, but I doubt I’d much enjoy plinking at hamsters lined up in front of it. But hell, I’ll put a checkmark there.

Wearing hair long…now hold on here, I’m confused. Do mullets count for or against being properly masculine? I’ve seen a lot of beer-chugging Bubbas with mullets. Anyway, I can’t put a checkmark here because for the last few years the extent of my hairstyle has been using clippers with no blade guard on my head whenever it grows long enough to need a comb. Downright military-looking, which seems to be a positive masculine thing, but the mullet issue has me deeply perplexed.

Do my nails. Nope. No checkmark here. Gets down to it, I don’t understand the fascination with long nails anyway–I prefer women with short nails. Does this mean I only like masculine women? Geez, this is confusing.

Make-up. Similar nope. In eerie conjunction with the short-nails thing, I usually prefer women who use very little or none of the stuff. Hmm. When I review, all of my checkmarks, or lack of same, are less than emphatic. That would be the problem with being a half-assed hybrid, I suppose.

To be fair, I doubt he has fantasies of virile men, at least not the one-handed variety of fantasies. Witness Why are people so damn sexual?, in which he thinks people are…well, too damn sexual. Evidence of that is all of the porn pop-up ads that happen when a fellow is merely innocently in the process of trying to find somewhere he can steal software.

Waiiiit a minute. Isn’t being so damn sexual traditionally a masculine trait? Men chase it, women supposed to be pure? Good god, this hybridization is insidious!

Sorry I didn’t make the cut, Marc. If it makes any difference, A) it wasn’t intended at a rant, merely a flame, B) “choad” was just force of habit, I use it often, and C) “lick my bag” is an homage to another poster.

But you’re right. Compose twice, post once. But I cannot guarantee any better response to idiots like Dale (and now SenorBeef in the same thread).

Alright, I’ll have to type slower for those who are challenged. I can appreciate that.

You are giving an example of what I had implied. People are increasingly intolerant of the extreme cases of that which is traditionally “masculine” and “feminine.” For example, if a guy says he can’t stand gays because they are “wimps,” people want to string him up in the town square, yet it’s okay to hate someone who says that. Strange logic, we ‘hate’ you for being 'hateful." We need to have the capacity to accept the “extreme” cases. The thread was all about the “feminization” of America. I simply pointed out that men are being molded to be more feminine. There are few men left in the world that the phrase “tough as nails” would describe. There is nothing wrong with someone being a tough guy, but the moment someone comes along who is, he gets lynched. I don’t claim to be one of these types of guys, but I certainly feel that they should be tolerated. If my tongue-in-cheek way of describing that was a little too deep for you to grasp, then I apologize but this site is designed for people fighting ignorance.

Imagine a spectrum of personality types. All I’m saying is that we shouldn’t select the two ends of the spectrum and trim them to fit the “norm.” Was Bonnie Tyler wrong to describe her ideal man in her song “Holding Out For A Hero?” Now, notice that I didn’t say that men wearing nail polish, make-up, or long hair was wrong, but each was basically mid-spectrum, not very “masculine” in the traditional sense. Same thing with men wearing skirts, that was a legitimate question. Is there something wrong with being a traditional Hercules-with-a-beard-and-a-six-gun? I should hope not, that would make us prejudiced. (It is wrong to hate, but to counter-hate is to do the same). If someone wants to be the next John Wayne, then more power to 'em. If they want to be the next Prince, that’s fine, too. Why should one be given more credence than the other?

As far as my thread regarding the human tendency to be “so damn sexual,” please refer to the way people sling insults. See? Low-brow quips about penis size, masturbation, homo-erotic fantasies, etc. are usually the first thing to come out of people’s mouths when they are even remotely offended. It’s ironic how people exemplify my statements, but can never try to answer my questions. It’s always something sexual, now why can’t people stop snickering and throwing spitballs and look for the point?

-If you are offended now, then you missed the point again and I don’t know if I can help you.

I never said that sexuality itself was wrong. I said it was excessive beyond a simple logical means of continuing a species. My question was regarding why that is the case. I had not expected the responses from the teeming millions to be so inept. Few people got the point and just began snickering as they added failed attempts at being witty. I guess some things should be left un-asked, at least until it’s clear that someone may provide insight. Oh well, live and learn.


and you have not only failed in this effort, but you have repeatedly displayed ignorance


His given name was Marion. Now there’s a masculine name.

So, being “tough as nails” = being a bigot?

Since when is homophobia a part of masculinity? I imagine that it confuses the hell out of butch gays. This is not a masculine attitude, it is a stupid attitude. I am straight, gobear is gay, but I have no doubt that he could kick my ass if he so desired. Who, exactly, is the wimp?

I think they are tolerated, at least the ones that don’t see bigotry as part of their masculinity. There is nothing tough about being a bigot.**

Oh dear, whatever will we do without your help, Dale. :rolleyes:

That’s ok Andros. I myself cannot compose a good Pit rant. To feel better about myself I have to criticize other peoples rant.



I don’t think most people like wimps. But only bigots equate homosexuality with being a wimp. And it is ok to ridicule people with small minded ideals.


I’ll tolerate all sorts of things but I don’t have to accept it as being a valid position.


I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. But remember that we can only judge what you mean by the words you write. We can’t hear the tone of your voice or automatically know when you are being tongue in cheek.


Well I’ll say it. Men with nail polish kind of weird me out.


Do you like gladiator movies? I do.

Not so strange. We- which I guess includes a number of dopers- hate animal abusers, domestic abusers, child molestors, murderers, rapists, and generally all around cruel people. Believe me, I am all for open mindedness and tolerence, but I can’t have any faith in the idea of putting up with someone who thinks it’s okay to, as you say, “string up” people who are gay. People who do hateful things often inspire hate. Tough guy does not equal guy who beats up anothers. And, IMHO, a group of “hard as nails” guys ganging up on and beating up a single guy is not tough, it’s downright cowardly.

I echo the sentiments of Dr. Lao and MEBuckner- I’ve got nothing against hard, tough dudes, but bigotry doesn’t make you a stronger person.

I’m not sure if this was a joke post or serious, so I’ll clarify.

*Originally posted by MEBuckner *

Obviously I never implied that. However, I was taking the definitions that others were attaching to “masculine” and showing how intolerant people were being. The bigotry occurs when a guy is ostracized for being masculine. Masculinity is beginning to be labeled as a negative thing. It is considered masculine to be abusive, it is considered masculine to be a bigot. However, these are inaccurate uses of the word masculine. When I used the term “masculine,” I was referring to “tough as nails.” Can a person be gay and masculine? Of course they can, that very question is absurd. In everyone’s scramble to look for something offensive, they missed the point once again. Bigotry is neither masculine nor feminine. I only brought it up to show how (a) people automatically associate it with masculinity and (b) to make point about how we should accept people’s opinions regardless of how wrong they may be to the rest of us. Prejudice from a homophobe is just as bad as prejudice against one. In that some way, we shouldn’t discriminate against someone who is a traditional “masculine” man. Now start reading my posts twice to make sure you get it before responding in haste.

Huh. You ever seen Braveheart? Those guys wore skirts, had long hair, and wore makeup*. Were they feminine? Hell, when I was 17, I had hair down to my ass. You would not have told me that I looked feminine, believe me.

Now I seem to fit your masculine stereotype pretty well though: hair is about 1/8" long, mustache, goatee, muscular. However, if my hair was still hanging down to my ass and my ears were pierced and I was wearing a skirt, I still wouldn’t be considered feminine. Scary maybe, but not feminine. :slight_smile:

[sub]*Well, blue crap smeared on their faces anyway.[/sub]

Ummm, aside from the fact that I disagree with most of what Dale said, I need to bitch about one specific comment he made:

Long hair? Long hair is NOT masculine? Fer Chrissakes, pal. Take a fucking history class.


Bigotry and cruelty has nothing to do with masculinity. However, if someone thinks he’s being manly by doing so, we shouldn’t discriminate against masculinity.

Long hair is an example in recent history of how culture has gone from only women having long hair to it becoming acceptable for men as well (we already know about men with long hair in history, but we’re talking about current trends from the last 100 years or so). Even more recent is the trend of nail polish and some make-up (ie. the “goth” trend). So I simply posed the question of how long before men wearing skirts is also acceptable. There are men who are pushing for this. How in the hell did this offend anyone?

There. I hope that is clear enough for even the excessively stupid to understand.

I should also clarify that I was explaining how male and female [roles are becoming blended or even reversed in our culture. This is a separate issue from defining that which is masculine and feminine, but may eventually be related through cause and effect.

Braveheart? I believe they wore kilts, not skirts.

Exactly how recent are we talking about here?

That would probably depend on where you go. It’s been acceptable in parts of Europe for quite some time now. If you or I wore a skirt in DC or New York City, we’d probably be fine. People might have double-takes, though:)

What’s the difference? I’m aware that there are differences, but what do you take them to be and why do they matter?

In underestimating your audience you overestimate yourself.

Don’t do that.

in case it is read by anyone “excessively stupid”. Examine the following statements:[ul]
[li]People are increasingly intolerant of the extreme cases of that which is traditionally “masculine” and “feminine.” For example, if a guy says he can’t stand gays because they are “wimps,” people want to string him up in the town square[/li][li]I was taking the definitions that others were attaching to “masculine” and showing how intolerant people were being.[/li][li]It is considered masculine to be abusive, it is considered masculine to be a bigot. However, these are inaccurate uses of the word masculine.[/ul][/li]Question:
If the definition people object to is inaccurate, how are people intolerant of masculinity? Do you have an example i which a guy says, “I’m tough as nails”, and people want to string him up? Or are you using the “traditional” definition of masculinity and your “accurate” definition of masculinity without making the contextual shift clear?

Careful, Spiritus, you might prompt Dale to want to type e-e-e-e-eve-e-e-en slo-o-o-o-owe-e-e-e-er. I wonder when he’s going to ditch that tactic and start typing smarter.