Dammit! (I have _another_ idea for a game thread)

Must. Fight. Urge. <ngg!> To. Post.!
[RIGHT] :dubious: [/RIGHT]

Tell you what: Why don’t you clear it with the moderators of the affected forum first?

The worst thing they can say is “No.”

your humble TubaDiva

Why are some game threads allowed and others aren’t?

Not a Pit, just a question.

Now if this OP isn’t mundane and pointless…

I was wondering the same thing simply out of curiosity. Not that matters to me though, because I never participate.

If I understand correctly, the logic for limiting game threads is to not put a huge burden on bandwidth. Seems like the unintended consequence is that the more popular the game thread, the more likely it’ll get closed. I conclude then that the secret to being allowed to have a game thread is to make it a crappy game so that participation is low. :slight_smile:

Not to quibble with you, TubaDiva, my dear, but … um… that’s not the worst thing that they can say in rejecting the idea.

And, there’s an argument that the worst thing they could say might be “Yes.” :slight_smile: