Damn British!

Y’know if I hear another fuckin Brit call me a fuckin colonist again I’m gonna fuckin vomit! Hey, assholes! We didn’t fight to become the kick ass fuckin country we are today just to let you assholes keep callin us fuckin colonists! We are no longer COLONIES, and if you insist of calling us colonists, you should step up and try to reclaim us! No? Why? Oh,because we’d kick your ass? Well fuck me, I had NO idea.
Another thing, if I see that Wendy’s commercial again where that fucking old bitch of yours says, “I can’t beleive something this good came out of the colonies” I’m gonna assemble a militia and whip yer unclean asses! Along with assembling an intervention with Dave Thomas. Y’know what a lot of good things came out of the COLONIES! Like the atom bomb! Why don’t we have a little demonstration over London.
Also fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!

Thank you for understanding my dilemma and I hope you will be more considerate in the future.


Ya know, I’ve known an awful lot of Brits and have yet to be called a “colonist.”

Maybe you have “insult me” written on your forehead?


Well, good luck. Apparently, London is the safest place on earth to test this shit. Hell, they tried to set the fucking Thames on fire, and it failed!

But seriously: is this such a huge problem? My boss is a Brit and I work with a lot of Brits and Americans. Sure, the “Colony” remarks are always there, but it all seems to be in good fun. Can you give some examples, so we can determine whether or not you might be overreacting just a bit?

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"You know how complex women are"

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

I myself have never used this term, nor heard it used with any regularity. Wouldn’t it be meant as a joke? Maybe they’re complimenting you on your intestinal prowess or something.

Well, of course Im overreacting, I mean, its just a colonist reference, but it wouldnt be very fun if I didnt. :slight_smile: (By the way, sorry, this computers shift button wont work)

However I still hate that Wendys commercial, I mean itd be like me being amazed that anything good came out of europe.

I think that Britain should take a lesson from us Ohioans, WE KNOW HOW TO MAKE A RIVER BURN! We dont even have to try. :wink:


Got our knickers in a twist, have we?

Well, pip pip, stiff upper lip, and the rest.

Have a tankard of stout and you’ll be as right as rain, old stick.

Rule Britannia, don’t you know?

: :peers nervously around door jamb::

FWIW, I think the “colonials” references are largely done with a dose of humor and irony. Though sometimes it’s hard to tell, must say. I heard it once used in blithe, unconscious seriousness. I tend to get quiet in evenly carefully social hostile situations and blend into the wallpaper. The carefully (racially) sensitive Brits didn’t blink when a man referred to Candadians as “colonials”.

In fairness, if no one challenged it, no one carried it along either.

IMO, it’s usually done with wry humor, but sometimes there’s a sting in the undertone.
But I suspect that’s more individual than general.


Didn’t we revolt against the British because we didn’t want to pay our fair share of our upkeep?

Sorry. It really is meant as a joke and although it’s not a term I would use, I can see how it could be annoying.

Not many Brits will have seen the Wendy’s ad, as they very rarely advertise over here. We occasionally have a feed of ESPN in the office, and I have seen a couple of these ads. They’re complete bollocks. I work in central London, and there used to be a Wendy burger place here which closed. If there’s another one I don’t know where it is. There is, OTOH, a MacDonalds in almost every street.

I think the thing you’re objecting to may be an American advertisement. I’ve certainly never seen it. My suspicion is that the “fucking old bitch of [ours]” is an American actress or, at the very least a British actress saying lines written by an American copywriter.

The root of the problem might be American stereotypes of British attitudes being played back to an American audience who think that they represent real British attitudes.

I don’t recall ever hearing a British person describe Americans as “colonials”. “Yankee running-dog capitalist imperialists” would be another matter :slight_smile:

I really dont want to sound smartalec-y, but If you dont like to be refered to as a colonist shouldnt you remove the stripes from you flag?

Stout is Irish.
those damn Brits prefer drinking warm ale, or pimms and watching Croquet over there…

well, at least one person wants to meet me…


Surprised I’m not being accused of being Ophanim.baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Pas grande chose.

Get the fuck out of this thread, Bon Bon. You’re pathetic.

(Courtesy of WallyM7)

Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk

"You know how complex women are"

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Little bit tense there Ophanim??
I know what you mean about stupid names though, I am not even British, just live here but can’t STAND anyone calling the Brits ‘Pomms’ drives me nutters. So I get where you are coming from, but hey, sometimes, things aren’t as bad as they seem.
Ignore it.

“Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is like expecting a bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian.” Dennis Wholey


A little water for your embers. Waaaaaaaa

Pas grande chose.

Red Coats in a green forest? Ya gotta love that intellect. Must be the warm beer. baaaahaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Pas grande chose.

Ladies and Gentlemen, watch closely. We are witnessing a very good attempt at the “World Record of Getting Ones Fat Ass Banned As Quickly As Possible”.

ColdfireBets.com is open for business. Ten bucks says it happens within 48 hours from now.

Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk

"You know how complex women are"

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)


Get a grip.
You are talking about an American advert, for an American product, presumably developed by an American team - what does this have to do with the British?

Do you object so strenuously to people calling you a mindless fool?


TomH says: << The root of the problem might be American stereotypes of British attitudes being played back to an American audience who think that they represent real British attitudes. >>

Undoubtedly true, but by no means one-sided. I am always amused by the BBC portrayal of Americans, with that horrid accent that they seem to think is American.

I don’t disagree, but I don’t start threads complaining about things that American characters have said in BBC productions.