Damn Pussy Room Mates

It is only 3:30 Am here and my pussy Room Mates are asleep aready. Geez can’t they learn to drink. Yeah I am drunk but atleast I can stay up. Can any of you stay up with me. Please. All I want is a daomn Drinking buddy.

Hey, you should be thanking your prayers that you get pussy for roommates. Some of us get real dicks.

Yeah, and be glad that you can afford to drink! I’m drinking cognac because that’s all there is in the house!

Hey, I’m stuck with water. TAP water.

Why do you rich people have to flaunt all the time? I’m gonna go back to my toilet now.

Hey, you wanna know “flaunting”? Our tapwater comes with LEAD, baby! Top that! Ha! It tastes just delicious with a squeeze of fruitfly.

You have tapwater? We have to go to the swamp with a bucket.

A proper bucket ?
I have to make do with an old colostomy bag.

You are lucky casdave I have to walk five miles to the poisoned swamp and fill up my mouth with water and go back home to spit it into a hole in the ground. Repeat until the hole is filled up. AND I get the sun in my eyes on both ways.

Oh please! I have to swish my own SPIT around in my mouth and spit into a cup for hours until I can finally have a drink!

Oh, we used to dream of drinking spit.
I have to run around in circles until I’m ready to pass out and then and lick the sweat off my arms.

the catagorie is “Most deteriorating Pit post”
…and the winner is,

:: opens envelope ::


etgaw1, come on down and get your award!


He’s passed out, drooling on the keyboard?!?

DAMN PUSSY, doesn’t know how to drink.

Now back to our regularly scheduled Pit flames.

later, Tom

Hey, at least he water bill finally got paid, or else you wouldn’t have even that! :D:D

Jesus…this thread turned horribly awry.

Back when I was in school, we didn’t even have our own sweat! We had to wait until people came out of the gym, then tie them down and lick their sweat. It took the better part of an hour just to get a glass.


We got all our moisture by crouching in the weeds by the interstate, sucking the spittle off the cigarette butts the drivers would flick at us.

Feh, you rich pomp!

We had to suck the spittle off of menthols!

We didnt have the luxury of drinking.

We just died and were ressurected as the undead.

Well…I’ve taken to poking myself in the eyes…tears can be salty, but they run better than sweat in the winter time…

well to save up money to get drunk. I had to retreive water from my own feces to get water to drink. No that is good tasting water. Yum.