For making wrestling even more addictive. Just when I thought things weren’t great enough…
You bring back ECW and its roster. First it was just a few ECW guys…Taz,Rhino, Spike Dudley and each time I marked out.
Then Monday comes…and you bring back Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer. You have ECW reform with Taz, Rhino, the Dudley’s,Mike Awesome,Raven,Lance Storm,Justin Credible, RVD and Tommy Dreamer. All we needed was Sandman and Sabu to put me into a complete coma of wrestling fan pleasure.
Damn you Vince, how do you do it? How do you read the fan’s minds like that? After the XFL fiasco I thought you had lost your touch but I guess it’s still there.
And for the casual fan who stopped watching when the Rock went off to make movies…you’re missing something spectacular. I don’t think I could handle it if Triple H and Benoit were involved,but I can’t wait for them to heal up.
Jeff and Trish, no. I could see Jeff with Daffney but not Trish.
Jericho to WCW…it has possibilities but with the WWF low on talent I don’t see it happening soon.
BTW…could the Stone Cold storyline be any funnier? Who would have imagined SCSA singing Kumbaya? Or fighting over Vince’s good graces with Kurt Angle? Pure comedy the last couple of weeks.
But still I chant ECW! ECW! ECfngW!
So do I but I’m still enjoying the kinder,gentler SCSA.
Maybe when the Rock returns-SummerSlam-that’ll be when Austin turns face again. Rocky really needs a heel turn.
Agreed about the Rock. Starting at his face turn about 2 years ago, he slowly became my least favorite wrestler. And I hate all the fans that watch it just because of the Rock, who has basically had the exact same gimmick since he started wrestling. I remember I was getting excited when they started to turn him heel (both when he went crazy on Albert at the end of one show, and during the Who hit Austin gimmick), but Vince had to keep him face because a lot of the Rock fans might stop watching.
I hate the Rock as a face. Let him use those mic skills as a heel. And develop some more moves there, blue chipper,m’kay?
Seeing Billy Gunn get the Van Daminator made all his pushes worthwhile.
WTF? Did Vince buy ECW now? Or just snag a bunch of their guys?
And how’s the WCW vs. WWF thing going? Goldberg doing anything noteworthy?
And, when the hell are all the shows on these days? I’m going to have a lot more free time (and cable!) very soon, so I may very well start watching again…
Vince McMahon should run for president. He is absolutely brilliant.
Yes, the Stone Cold/Kurt Angle/Vince comedy trio is nucking futs… I was in stitches all the time. But, the best was the Undertaker’s reaction to the whole thing…
Rule Of Thumb, hardygrrl: Vince is a freakin’ GENIUS when it comes to wrestling. Any other non-wrestling ventures, however, are doomed to failure. It’s his blessing as well as his curse.
Patience, my dear, patience… he’s young. He’ll be around for many more years. Long enough to develop his mic skills a bit better (the only part of his work that’s lacking).
Actually SPOOFE, Jeff has been quoted repeatedly in interviews as saying he’ll only wrestle for seven more years-until the age of thirty-then he’ll retire. He’s already having problems with nagging injuries,gee wonder why?
Even though I adore him , he needs to work on his mat wrestling and his mic skills. So far his matches are just a lot of high spots.
As for the ECW issue, I’m sure Vince will be willing to absorb their losses-god knows he can afford it-in order to keep their talent pool.
Still marking out over RVD though…
Goldberg hasn’t made it yet. I am hoping he does soon.
Raw is War is on TNT 8pm CST on Monday, and Smakdown is on UPN 7pm CST Thursday. There is also Heat which is on MTV on Sundays, and Tough Enough on MTV 9pm CST Thursday. THere is a couple of other small shows as well.