Danny Bonaduce- what a colossal fucking asshole.

Has anybody seen “Breaking Bonaduce?” I’ve been following it for the trainwreck quality but every time I watch it, I get more and more pissed off. What a self-obsessed, narcissist, abusive fucking shit head. He’s emotionally abusive and controlling with his wife. He ptetends to care about his kids but he treats their mother like shit and lives in an attention hungry rage whether he’s drunk or sober. Absolutely EVERYTHING has to about him and him alone. I don’t believe his sobriety for a second. He’s not witty or funny. He’s not talented in any way. He’s just an angry, self-loathing attention whore who makes life shit for everyone around him.

The worst part is that as “real” as the show pretends to be, it really isn’t. So much of Bonaduce’s “shocking” behavior is so transparently done for the cameras- chugging a bottle of vodka, threatening to crash his wife’s party, hitting on a woman at the gym, and above all, his pathetically fake “suicide” attempt after his wife told him she wanted a divorce. I’ve know one or two people who have used phony suicide attempts in exactly the same manner that Bona-douchbag did on this show. It’s the most despicible attempt at emotional blackmail anyone could try. It’s an especially scummy thing to put your own kids through.

This asshole is not worthy of sympathy or attention. He’s a has been, ex-child star from a lame 70’s sit-com who couldn’t even really play his bass. Everything he does is an act and an attention grab. It makes me sad that his actions will now pay off for him in terms of attention and money.

Before anybody says it, yes, I realize the contradiction between saying I watch the show and saying he doesn’t deserve attention. I keep hoping his wife will wise up and throw him out on his ass but I guess that isn’t going to happen. I’m still holding out some slim hope that someone will at least tell him what a dick hole he is and call him on his bullshit. But they won’t.

Never let anybody tell you Barry Williams can’t hold a grudge.

Some of my friends were raving about this show, so I watched a few episodes. I just got bored. He IS a self-absorbed asshole, and much of it DOES seem staged. Crapola, if you ask me. I took it off my DVR series recording list. That’s kind of like take someone off your speed dial…

That is one loyal wife, who may regret marrying him the day she met him.

Isn’t it kind of a given that anyone who’d be on a reality show which purports to lay bare their therapy, their troubled marriage and their addiction problems would, by definition, be an asshole?

Those of us who are lucky enough to be bipolar are all colossal fucking assholes. For me, it’s the hand tremors, diarrhea, dry mouth, confusion, insomnia and tremendous despair (that drives approx. 20% of our “club” to take our own lives) -yeah, that’s why I treat people like shit. Or could it be the people who consider a chemical imbalance to be the same as “crazy”? OK, he’s not the most likable person around. And yes, obviously much of the show is staged for maximum drama. You have the power to turn the TV off. Don’t watch the show. It would be easy to pit people who watch reality shows and then rag on the people involved, but I won’t start that rant. I just keep it on the Animal Channel.

Another bi-polar checking in. I find I agree more with Diogenes the Cynic than I do with beckwall. Sometimes people are completes asshats who only care for themselves, and who also happen to be mentally ill. It’s one thing to feel like shit, it’s another to take your problems out on others who aren’t the cause. Depression and medicines are not an excuse, you choose to act on your feelings, and you can choose to at least try not to act on your feelings, if not attempt to settle down. There is such a thing as personal accountability, and Mr. Bonaduce rejects the concept.

I think he’s probably more borderline than bi-polar. As someone who is married to a woman with borderline personality disorder, the stuff I just read sounds much too familiar. Caveat: I haven’t seen the show, since it’s not shown here in the Netherlands. But this:

and this:

sounds more like someone with borderline personality disorder than someone who is bi-polar. In my opinion, borderlines are much harder to live with than bi-polars, but it can be done if the borderline recognizes that there’s something wrong with them. Considering that most borderlines are also narcissistic and live in constant denial, that’s the hardest part. Danny Bonaduce probably thinks evrerybody other than him is an asshat.


Geez! I’ve SO been wanting to start a thread on this twit for a while now but just couldn’t muster up the energy.

Ditto what the OP said, except I also have to add:

At first, I felt sorry for the wife, but every time I watch the show my respect for her deminishes. Hell, who am I kidding? It’s completely gone.

Listen lady: "YOU’RE NOT DOING YOU KIDS ANY FAVOR BY STAYING WITH THIS MAN! Be a fucking mother and get your children away from this emotional nightmare!

Ya’ dumb fucking bitch.

She’s probably completely co-dependent and is now suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. This happens to almost everyone who has lived with someone bipolar for a long time. Not that any of that is an excuse.

[Preemptive strike]

Not sure if this needs to be said or not be here it goes:

I understand some women are stuck in situations like the above because of financial constraints. But this clearly isn’t the case with her. She has plenty of money to get away from asshole.

Agreed. Are you stating that having a mental disorder excuses one from assholish behavior, beckwall?


Just wanted to express my appreciation for this! :smiley:

I’m bipolar, and even when I was unmedicated I never behaved the way the OP describes (I’ve never seen the show). Neither did my brother, who killed himself a couple of months ago. Nor does anyone else I know with bipolar disorder. beckwall’s symptoms sound like side effects of his medication, rather than a direct result of BD; at least they’re nothing I’ve experienced either way.

Furthermore, I don’t recall anything I’ve read on the subject (believe me, when you have a disorder like this, you reasearch it) saying that BD makes one a sociopath. Not to suggest that anything outside of my experience is impossible, but I really don’t think the two are connected.

Another bi-polar siding with Dio and Zabali on ol’ Danny boy. I attempted to watch this show for all of about 5 mins and turned the channel. The visceral anger toward his actions and the utter contempt I have for his wife far outweighed any actual entertainment I could have derived from the show.

I believe Mycroft Holmes has the right of it in any case. I saw a bit of an episode where he mentioned a diagnosis of “borderline personality disorder”. He scares me. I wish his wife could get more intensive therapy for her PTS so she can get herself and the children away from that. His daughter is already acting like him subtely though. :frowning:

His wife has her own set of issues. The fact that she married this guy literally on the day she met him after he showed up drunk on a blind date makes her a little bit emotionally questionable, to say the least. It’s just too bad she’s so willing to pass this craziness and chaos on to her kids.

No excuses here, but I’m in the midst of a 6 week long mixed episode. What that means is I am depressed, but not the type where you can sleep for 18 hours a day - it’s depression mixed with anxiety and confrontational feelings toward anyone who says hi to me. I have slept no more than 2 hours a night now for months. It’s really truly awful, and I think about suicide at least hourly. I wasn’t saying that Mr. Bonaduce’s behavior is acceptable, I was attempting a bit of sarcasm tempered with what I considered to be “been there, done that” wisdom.
When he was in rehab, his meds included Lithium, Seroquel, Antabuse, Prozac and a few others I couldn’t quite make out. He is bipolar, probably borderline, drug abuser and alcoholic, and a media whore. He loves it all, the camera, the drama, the glitz. When I listed my symptoms - diarrhea, hand tremors, insomnia, confusion, etc. - I have to say that some are related to meds and some aren’t. This fucking sucks. I work two part time jobs and manage to pay my bills. Right now, I have isolated myself so much that even Mr. beckwall does not want to deal with me, and he’s been my rock for 9 years. So yeah, I’m an asshole too. Me and Danny should start a club.

Is anyone surprised by this though? I thought it was well known that Danny Bonaduce is a collossal asshole.

Jesus Christ. The things I don’t miss by not having cable. Goddamn, who’s the friggin’ idiot at VH1 who thought it would be a good idea (let alone enteraining to give these jerkoffs a stage to dance with their dervishes. Too bad this isn’t broadcast over the air; this is something that might make ya wanna write the FCC about misuse of the public spectrum.