Dark Cloud 2 (PS2) help

I purchased DC2 last night and muddled through the first chapter. The game is really cool so far but my head is swimming. The ‘learn as you go’ help has worked out well, and I’ve gotten my head around the whole spectrumize/synthasize blah blah. (Right, I can combine my bread with my wrench) My problem right now is that when I look at my available items, there are about 4 million. Ok, maybe 30. The only ones I understand are the bread, the help, the potion to fix weapons/guns/poison. Besides those there are a ton of crystals and whatnots. I’ve looked at several walkthroughs but they get muddled in points and formulas and AMP and STDs and whatever. So:

A. The game explains this better as you go along, just like the help with building the energy pack, etc.

B. There is some readable help (the booklet, inline help and online walkthroughs I’ve found are not helpful) out there somewhere.

C. Buck up and muddle through the walkthroughs.


Forgive me if I get this a little messed up - I was at the end of Ch. 4 in Dark Cloud 2 when I bought the first one, and decided to play it through before I finished the second one. I’m almost done, but you can see where I might get a few details messed up.

The items that you are finding (like ‘bone’ and ‘tough hide’) CAN be spectrumized to build up your weapon. But what they are really used for is when you start getting ‘Atla’. Atla are these spheres that got scattered about in dungeons. Each one contains instructions for building something - like an Iron Chimney, a Church or a Tree. You need to use things like Tough Hide and Sticky Clay to build these things. You can buy them later on, too, of course, but it’s cheaper to find them.

Crystals and gems are pretty much just used in weapon upgrading. Gems are rare, crystals are less so.

Coins are very cool and add an ability to the weapon (like ‘steal’ or ‘poison’).

Hey, cool!

Bruce_Daddy, you live like 10 miles from my mom. :slight_smile:

She lives in Traveler’s Rest. Well, half the time. The rest of the time she suffers up here in Vermont like the rest of us.