Dating to relationship guidlines grab bag: critique and your own

I originally thought to call this the dating rules, but the only rule is the null rule against all other rules.

These are guidelines I think are best practice but not necessarily best practice in all situations and should be ignored sometimes just to keep spontaneity.

I post these as thoughts and lessons learned from a variety of sources including past experience, observation, advice received, and reading. I post them because I’ve been talking to the most amazing woman and I don’t want to flub it up. It feels like it could go somewhere wonderful.

Avoid rigid routine, your feelings aren’t clockwork, and neither are hers or his. Routine becomes expected, becomes dull.

Sugar is sweet but a bowl of cookies is better than a bowl of sugar, and basil doesn’t go in cookies. Likewise, sometimes you should go head and say the wrong thing, but only if the wrong thing is real. Only saying the right thing, like sugar, overwhelms the pallet and becomes unpalatable.

In short keep it real

However always remember tact and discretion, bad eggs spoil the cookies and just stink.
Use communication, it’s super effective. Never assume, guess if think you know, but let the other person teach you about themselves. Learn their comfort zones and respect them, likewise don’t let them cross yours. Learn all the things that important and not so important about them.

Let them miss you sometimes. You need to be yourself, and they need to be themselves, and the time apart enhances the time together. Sometimes ignore this guideline.
If someone becomes your world, it’s a poor dull world with just one person, for you and for them. Keep growing, exploring and learning as a person including things that are just you.

For guys - wear clean, neat, appropriate shoes. Keep your fingernails short and clean. The rest is style choices.

Guess we’ve said all that needs said.