With two different guys, no less. Yup, I am catching up on the dating thing.
Ken* and I got together last Saturday and went for Mexican food. He’s sweet and funny and we have a lot in common. We’re going to get together on Friday, although we haven’t decided when or where.
Jay and I are getting together next Saturday to see Kung Fu Panda. It’ll be our third date. (Is this going to be a kissy date? Agh! Panic!)
Unfortunately school starts next week so I have no idea how much time I’ll have after that. On the one hand, none of them are studio classes so I won’t have huge art projects to do. On the other hand, I have no idea what the homework will be.
I’m breaking my no-real-names rule here. But he’s on the internet using his real name so…
Ooh, a potential kissy date! I know you don’t have a whole lot of experience in that area, so my advice is to accept the kissy date and then snog him til your face goes numb. I imagine it would go something like this.
Actually I have NO experience. Thus the anxiety. And now the date is tomorrow, because that’s the last day Kung Fu Panda is showing. Excuse me, I’m trying squee and panic at the same time… it’s not working very well.
Eh, don’t panic. Just think of the millions of other people in the world who aren’t as smart as you and who are even more awkward than you who have managed to not only make out but even go so far as to procreate several times.
If making out were that complicated, humans would have died out as a race a long time ago!
Yeah, kissing is not hard to figure out.
When the time comes, just follow the lead of the guy and do what he’s doing.
You’ll feel silly for worrying so much about it once it finally happens.
Besides, even if things go so wrong that Jay dumps you for being a bad kisser, hey, ya still got Ken. That’s the way to play the game: keep your options open and a few candidates at a time.
Ah, I know the feeling well. Like you have suddenly discovered that you have the ability to fly but your wings are in your stomach, eh? Just go with the flow! I promise that kissing is fantasically wonderful and once you get past the nerves and just do it you will feel so happy that your face will be sore from all the smiling.
Also, I have a bit of a request for you. My SO is absolutely astonished that I have only seen 1 episode of Thunder Cats in my entire life and feels like I need to correct that right away. I know this is your area of expertise so I thought I would ask you what you would recommend as your top 5 favorite episodes so that I can start rectifying the problem post haste!
And yeah, date three is a kissy date. Either that or the let’s just be friends speech date. At least that’s what Dilbert told me.
You laugh, but I actually used that for my own benefit–I was escorting a friend to ballroom dance lessons/events back in the day occasionally, and the third time I said “Kara, that was our third date. Tradition demands you either give me a goodnight kiss or the ‘Let’s Just Be Friends’ speech.” I was expecting the ‘canonical’ response: “Yes, but our first date was only 2/3 of a date because we were wearing sweat pants. Too bad, I really felt like kissing.”
While unexpected, being dragged into her room for a few hours was entirely welcome.
Let’s see…
Berbils is a great early one. It’s fun and has cute ickly robot bears.
Tower of Traps is a great piece for Kit and Kat. And has Lion-o without his shirt.
The Ghost Warrior is a classic. I personally find Jaga annoying, but Grune is awesome.
You kind of have to watch all of Thundercats, HO! and Mumm-ra Lives! (They’re both five parters)
The second season has more bad episodes, but…
Time Switch is the cutest thing ever. Seriously.
My most recent make out session started quite numerously. I was hitting on a gal outside of a pub, and her friends came out saying they were headed to another bar. I offered to escort her, and along the way, she casually mentioned that her ex might be at the bar, so if we saw him, she’d pinch me so I’d kiss her (to make him jealous? who knows.) Anyway, I remarked that we wouldn’t want to have to kiss for the first time in front of him, so we’d better practice now. We didn’t make it to the next bar.
Of course, this only works with people who have been drinking, but my point is that, in my experience, silly things are said right before the first kiss. Go with the flow if they come up, a smile goes a long way.
Good luck.
ETA: On review, it looks like I was giving advice, which is the opposite of what you need… just be yourself.
Quickie advice: Don’t get popcorn at the movie. If you’re about to kiss a guy, you don’t want the hulls all stuck in your teeth! Get something a little more conducive to mouth action, like Junior Mints or maybe Skittles. (Or just pop some gum before you go.)
Back up the truck here a moment, please. I’m going to need clarification here. Can I assume that at the end of dates 1 and 2 you kissed? Are you saying that you’re thinking it may be lots of kissing or is this first-time kissing?
STG, is my lobotomy acting up or were you posting (OP?) in another thread saying you hadn’t dated, didn’t know what to do etc.? If so…you go, girl!
Re: kissing, just relax and go with your feelings. When it comes from the heart, it can’t miss. If it doesn’t go quite the way you envision, I think I speak for guys everywhere when I say that we’re all too happy to “help” with additional practice to perfect it!
One piece of advice: when the time comes for kissing, don’t close your eyes until after your lips lock. If you close your eyes too soon, and so does he, then nobody’s navigating! I once accidentally kissed a girl’s nose doing that.
Nope. I’ve never kissed before… well sorta. Last RenFaire Chain and I were going to fool around, but it was really late and my brain died and it… was awkward. Then next day his ex showed up and he was all depressed. But Chain kissed me and I basically froze.
So, yeah, this’ll be a first. And yep, that was me, Ms. Never Dated Before.