DC Dopers - Adopt a kitty or two?

My family and I are being forced to move to an apartment complex where we can only keep one cat. We have 3. So two of them need to find a new home.

The cats:
[li]TC - 8 year old male, fixed, 13 lbs., with a steel gray coat and piercing yellow eyes. (I think he’s a British Blue Shorthair) Loves sitting in your lap and laying across your legs in bed.[/li][li]Spitz - 3 year old female, fixed, 11 lbs., tuxedo colored, Maine Coon cat (polydactyl, long soft fur). Also loves laying in bed, and is extremely playful.[/li][/ul]

They’re both healthy indoor cats. They have full vet files at a VCA Cat Hospital.

Is anyone interested in taking one or both of them?


AWB - that sucks!

{{AWB kitties}}

Where do you live?

[sub]Zyada read the full thread title two seconds after hitting submit and is feeling really stupid now[/sub]